Nov 06, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Office of Educational Partnerships



Office of Educational Partnerships


The Office of Educational Partnerships links Shawnee State University to local and regional school districts and organizations providing educational opportunities for students and educators from pre-school through college.  From one-day events and week-long camps to long-term grant-funded programs, OEP and its partners design and offer valuable experiences for learners of all ages.

Community Education Program  The Community Education Program encompasses a broad range of noncredit personal development courses, programs, and activities, which are offered to the general public. Each fall and spring, a schedule of events is developed and distributed to the community. Courses that are included in the schedule are often suggested and taught by members of the community. Topics include ACT Prep, seasonal arts and crafts, photography, health and fitness, personal finance, creative writing, and a wide variety of interests. If you would like to teach a course or be placed on the mailing list, please call 740.351.3274.

District Science Day  Shawnee District 14 Science Day is one of 16 district science competitions sponsored by the Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) and hosted by colleges and universities across the state of Ohio. It annually attracts more than 200 students, grades 5-12, from Adams, Lawrence, Pike, and Scioto counties. It is an avenue for students to develop independent or team scientific research projects which may lead to an opportunity to compete at State Science Day in Columbus, Ohio.

College Tech Prep Ohio South


College Tech Prep is a partnership among business, industry, labor, and secondary and higher education. It is a primary strategy for systemic change in Ohio that prepares students for technology based careers demanded by the increasingly competitive global economic community.

Tech Prep is a National Education Reform Initiative, which was launched in 1991. The program is aimed at meeting the needs of business and industry for qualified, skilled workers in high demand, technical fields.

Tech Prep is a combined secondary and postsecondary program, which provides students with the following:

  • A preparation for employment, careers, and education beyond high school.
  • A hands-on, real world approach to teaching and learning that includes teamwork, worksite experiences, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • An integration of technical and academic curricula.
  • A competency-based curriculum that enables students to certify their achievements.
  • A planned sequence of courses from high school through an associate or baccalaureate degree.

Currently, programs in engineering, business, criminal justice, teaching professions, information technology, and health are available in the College Tech Prep program. The Ohio South Consortium partners Shawnee State University, Ohio University Southern Campus, and local school districts with a wide array of regional business and industry partners. College Tech Prep continues to grow and help students learn to prepare for the new career market.

Twenty-first Century Community Learning Centers


Multiple grants, totaling more than $1.6 million over a five-year period, have been awarded to Shawnee State University and the 21st CCLC partner school districts to provide out-of-school activities for rural students at partner school districts throughout Scioto County.

Each center, or “After School Program,” offers a variety of opportunities, including tutoring and instruction for students at risk of failing the Ohio achievement tests or experiencing difficulties in the classroom. Expanded library hours and services, access to computer labs and Internet and computer training are featured at each center. Thematic and family reading programs, expanded drug and violence prevention education and counseling, and after school field trips to enrichment work sites and college campuses are provided. An emphasis is placed on social development through organized recreational activities, and nutritious snacks. In an effort to remove transportation barriers for rural participants, the grant provides ample funds for transportation home from each center.

For more information about Office of Educational Partnership Services contact:

Cathy Mullins, Director, University Outreach Services
  740.351.3412 •
Rita Graf, Project Director, Tech Prep
  740.351.3370 •
Charlotte Moore, Director, 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  740.351.3316 •  

