Mar 13, 2025
2009-2010 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PTAT 2123 - Physical Therapist Assistant Therapeutic ConceptsCredits: 3 The initial Physical Therapist Assistant procedural course, which contains basic concepts of bio-physiology. Specifically, the theory of heat transfer, hydrotherapy, cold, massage, body mechanics, burns, isolation techniques, patient positioning, and traction will be introduced for application in the accompanying lab course PTAT 2122. Introduction to the therapeutic considerations such as indications and contraindications of modalities with simple cases for clinic and home care; with procedural knowledge for therapeutic application of a-thermal and thermal agents, such as low, medium and high frequency currents, diathermy, biofeedback, TENS, and compressive therapies. Data collection and standard documentation to support safe and legal care.Prereq: AHNR 1104 and PTAT 1115 and Admission to the PTA Program.3 lecture hours $