Feb 18, 2025  
2009-2010 Catalog 
2009-2010 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration Information



New students for fall semester must register for their initial semester during the New Student Orientation held each summer. 

If you are a degree-seeking freshman, you must contact the Student Success Center. Staff there will help you identify an advisor who will assist you in planning your schedule. The approval of the academic advisor is required of degree-seeking freshmen with fewer than 30 credit hours earned.

Continuing or returning students may register for subsequent semesters during any registration period. Mandatory advising is also required of students becoming juniors and seniors. See your academic advisor or department for help with Registration Clearance.

Designated registration “windows” are based on student classification, and access is granted in the following order: graduate students and seniors first, followed by juniors, sophomores, freshmen, and finally, new students. 

For help with registration concerns and information about adding/dropping classes or complete withdrawal from the university, contact the Office of the Registrar. The office is located on the second floor of the University Center, open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and can be reached by phone at 740.351.3403.

Identification Cards

Identification cards are issued to enrolled Shawnee State University students by the Office of the Registrar and serve as identification for charging books to your Financial Aid account, using the Library and participating in student activities. You must register for classes before receiving your I.D. card.

Improper Registration

Admission or registration may be canceled by the director of admission or the registrar in cases of improper registration or when false or incomplete information is provided on the application for admission, registration forms, or other official documents. In such cases, you will be notified in writing as to the action that was taken and the reasons for such action.

Selective Service Registration

To be eligible for state educational assistance programs, male students between the ages of 18 and 25 must register with the Selective Service System, unless they are on active duty with the armed forces of the United States (other than the National Guard or reserves) or legally excluded.  Ohio residents who are not registered or have not indicated they do not need to register by the first day of the semester are required to pay the out-of-state tuition rate. You can register with Selective Service in the year you become 18, and you must complete registration by 30 days after your 18th birthday. Selective Service registration can be accomplished in a few minutes at any U.S. Post Office or online at http://www.sss.gov/. If you wish to indicate exempt status, you can request the necessary form from the Office of the Registrar.

Residency Information

A nonresident surcharge is assessed to any student who does not qualify as an Ohio resident for subsidy and tuition surcharge purposes. You are treated as a resident of Ohio and are assessed in-state fees if:

  • You are dependent upon at least one parent or legal guardian who has been an Ohio resident for the 12 months preceding your enrollment.
  • You have been a resident of Ohio for the 12 months preceding your enrollment and during this time you have not received financial support from outside the state.
  • You are the dependent child of a parent or legal guardian, or the spouse of a person who, as of the first day of your enrollment, has accepted full-time employment and established a domicile in Ohio for other reasons than gaining the benefit of favorable tuition rates.

You may also qualify if you are self-supporting while in Ohio pursuing a part-time course of study (conditional residents), are stationed in Ohio while on active duty in the military or have been an Ohio resident while involved in active duty military service prior to enrollment, have worked as a migrant in Ohio, or have been requested to be out of the country by your employer. If you qualify under one of these conditions, your dependents may qualify as well.

Proof of residency may be presented in a Request for Resident Classification to the Office of the Registrar. This form and all documentation must be submitted by the following deadline dates in order to be effective for the desired semester:

  • April 1 for summer semester
  • July 1 for fall semester
  • December 1 for spring semester

Retroactive residency determinations cannot be made for tuition surcharge purposes.

For information on residency, conditional residency, Selective Service requirements, or to receive a Request for Resident Classification, visit or call the Office of the Registrar at 740.351.3403.

Notification of Rights Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
  4. The right to file with the U.S. Department of Education a complaint concerning alleged failures by the State University to comply with the requirements of FERPA.
  5. The right to obtain a copy of Shawnee State University’s student records policy. You can obtain a copy of the policy from the Office of the Registrar.

University College/Student Success Center


The Student Success Center, housed in the University College, is designed to offer advising and registration services in many different areas. Staff work collaboratively with faculty members to provide advising for course sequencing and career goals through testing services, orientation to the University, and prerequisite checks.

Issues affecting your successful participation within the Shawnee State learning community are always at the forefront of the services the Student Success Center provides.

Determining your degree/program plan by using the Degree Audit System and the Shawnee State catalog under which you entered the university makes your decisions for registration much easier.

Other academic support includes the completion of Academic Improvement Plans, supplemental instruction, tutoring, computer labs, disability services, multicultural student affairs, counseling at the time of complete withdrawal, and reentry procedures for those students who wish to return.

Placement Testing

The English and mathematics placement policies direct you into the university curriculum and ensure that you register for courses that match your level of academic preparedness for college-level coursework.

All first-time, degree-seeking students are placed by their ACT or SAT scores for both English and mathematics. If you are entering the University with credits from other colleges or universities, you must participate in the English and mathematics placement process if you lack transferable English or mathematics credits.

  • If you enter with an ACT English subscore of 19 or higher (SAT 460) and a reading subscore of 16 or higher, you will be permitted to register for ENGL 1101.
  • If you enter with an ACT English subscore of 24 or higher (SAT 550) and a reading subscore of 16 or higher, you will be permitted to register for ENGL 1102.
  • If you enter with an ACT mathematics subscore of 18 or higher or an SAT mathematics subscore of 425 or higher, you will be permitted to register for MATH 1100, 1020, and/or 1500.

Additional information on placement in math: If you are not satisfied with your math placement, please contact the Department of Mathematical Sciences at 740.351.3301.

Additional information on placement in English: If a student has not taken the ACT, he/she will be required to take the COMPASS battery of placement tests. Placement measures in mathematics, reading, and writing are components of COMPASS. Ordinarily, a student may take the placement test only once. A student may petition for the opportunity to challenge his or her placement by filling out the “Request for Retest” form. Please contact the Student Assessment Coordinator at 740.351.3594 or stop by the Student Success Center to obtain the retest form. If the chair of the Department of English and Humanities and the Director of Composition determine that a challenge is warranted, the student may be given one opportunity to retest. Completed forms are to be submitted to the Student Assessment Coordinator before being sent to the English department.


New student orientation is required of every degree-seeking student entering Shawnee State University. As a first-year or transfer student at Shawnee State, you are special to us and we endeavor to provide information that is crucial to being successful in college. The orientation process may include skills assessment in mathematics, English, and reading for appropriate placement into your initial courses in mathematics and English for students who have never taken the ACT or SAT. Advising and registration for your first semester courses occurs during the orientation session.

New student orientation also introduces you to a myriad of support services across campus. In and out of classroom success is vital during your college life. Shawnee State University has committed to total student development by offering you the opportunity for personal and social growth. Orientation programs at Shawnee State provide you with an introduction to cocurricular activities. Student orientation leaders direct you throughout the sessions on student life, leadership programs, activities, and clubs and organizations that you can join. All sessions are fully interactive and allow you the opportunity to get answers to all of your questions and concerns. Sessions for entering first year and transfer students for fall term are held throughout the summer. If you plan to enroll for spring term, a modified session is available during the term preceding your entry. For more information, please contact the Student Success Center at 740.351.3594 or visit our online site.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

The Student Success Center, in conjunction with selected academic departments, offers supplemental instruction (SI) on a course-by-course basis. Facilitated by student leaders under the direction of a faculty member and the Student Success Center, SI is intended to help students understand course material presented by faculty and to augment in-class activities. Contact the Student Success Center or academic department chairperson for more information.


The Student Success Center offers peer tutoring to students who may be experiencing difficulty with their courses. If you need help understanding course concepts or completing assignments, you can request a peer tutor. If you would like to be a tutor, you must be recommended by faculty from the discipline and must have received no lower than a “B” in the course. Interested students should apply at the Student Success Center.

Computer Labs

The Student Success Center is home to the largest open computer lab at Shawnee State University. There are nearly 90 computers dedicated for student use, which allows for quick, user-friendly access to e-mail, OhioLink, and World Wide Web browsing.

All the computers in the Student Success Center are connected to laser jet printers. Two scanners, one color and one black and white, are also available for students to scan either graphics or text, which can be manipulated similar to a regular word processing program. In addition to the printers mentioned above, a color laser jet is also available for student use. There is a minimal fee for printing color prints.

Developmental Education

If you lack college-level academic skills in basic English, mathematics, or science, you may choose or be advised to take developmental courses in these areas. Furthermore, in instances where the placement procedure indicates an explicit need for college preparatory coursework, you are required to take certain developmental courses before registering for some university courses.

Developmental courses provide underprepared students an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to attempt college-level coursework. They are intended for students who have had no background in a subject, inadequate preparation in a subject (e.g., mathematics, writing, reading), or have been away from school and need review. Credit hours earned in developmental courses, excluding UNIV 1101, cannot apply toward degree requirements.

The Departments of English and Humanities and Mathematical Sciences and the Student Success Center offer the following courses. Their descriptions are found in the ‘‘Course Descriptions’’ section of this catalog.

ENGL 0095 Basic Writing 1: Mechanics
ENGL 0096 Basic Writing 2: Paragraphs and Essays
ENGL 0097 Reading Development 1
ENGL 0098 Reading Development 2
MATH 0099 Fundamental Mathematics
UNIV 1101 Academic Development Skills

Disability Services

Shawnee State University advocates a barrier free campus and provides a variety of support services to all disabled students. Support includes classroom accommodations, technical assistance to improve learning, and the removal of structural barriers. Documentation of each student’s disability, their capacity for learning, and prior classroom services provided are necessary in order that proper accommodations are established and communicated to the faculty member. Students are asked to submit their class schedule for each academic semester so that services are consistent with the learning process. Support services allow each student at Shawnee State to pursue a particular area of study, empowering the student to realize their own unique potential for success.

The office also acts as a liaison between the student and sponsoring regional agencies such as the Bureaus of Vocational Rehabilitation and Visual Impairments. Orientation for new students is available during campus visitations or by appointment with the office. The office is located in the Student Success Center.

Multicultural Student Affairs

The office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) addresses the issues of diversity and leadership and also encourages awareness and respect for other cultures. The MSA office serves as an advocate for underrepresented ethnic minorities and students of color, women, and other student groups by offering educational and social programming aimed at personal development, retention, and the success of Shawnee State University and its students.

A variety of services are available to students, such as academic advising and counseling, tutorial assistance, and new student orientation.

MSA offers guest presentations throughout the academic year in celebration and recognition of various cultural and ethnic anniversaries. The highlight of the year is the annual “Heritage Ceremony,” honoring graduating seniors for their academic success as students and the completion of their studies. The Multicultural Student Affairs office is located in the Student Success Center, Massie Hall.
