MATH 5000 - Foundations for Graduate MathematicsThis is a variable-credit course that may be repeated and is designed for students who have applied for the masters in mathematics program, but are considered under-prepared for graduate level mathematics courses. The purpose of the course is to provide an intense review of prerequisite and undergraduate content that is essential for being prepared for graduate-level mathematics courses. Credits earned in this course cannot be used toward degree completion and are not appropriate for meeting the qualifications to teach college credit plus or dual credit courses.
Course topics include logic and proofs, including induction, groups, permutations, sub-groups, isomorphisms, homomorphisms, and quotient groups; and, properties of real numbers, sequences, functions of one variable, limits, continuity, and uniform continuity.
Note: Distance Learning Approved.
Credits: 3
Prereq: Approval of the Graduate Director of Mathematics Lecture hours: 3 Course/lab fee: $