Mar 10, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog 
2024-2025 Course Catalog

EDIS 3311 - Assessment and Intervention Planning for Exceptional Children

This course delineates federal, state, and local laws, procedures, policies, and standards related to the assessment, eligibility, identity process, Individualized Education Programs, and placement of students into special education programs. Legal history, provisions, rights, current research, and issues concerning parents, teachers, and other school and community professionals in relation to students with disabilities will be emphasized. Ethical issues related to assessment, placement, medication, orientation, and gender biases will be investigated. The role of the professional organizations (CEC) with regards to Code of Ethics and other standards and policies of the profession will be explored. Also stressed will be the importance of the teacher serving as a role model for students with exceptional needs while maintaining and promoting a high level of competency and integrity in professional practices. Teacher candidates will learn to use formal, informal, and authentic assessment techniques to collect student information concerning students with mild/moderate disabilities that could be used in the referral, progress monitoring and IEP development process. Classroom assessment techniques, the role of portfolios as an assessment tool, observation, annual test feedback, and the value of other types of authentic assessment will be addressed as methods to monitor student progress.

Note: Distance Learning Approved

Credits: 3

Prereq: Teach Education Level 2 Admission (A2); or Teach Education Level 2 Conditional Admission (C2)
Course/lab fee: $