Feb 18, 2025
ARTH 2212 - Art History Survey 2This course will provide a general survey of the history of art from 14th century Italian art to the present. Important, representative works of art from each artistic period will be examined in their historical context. Works of art will be analyzed both intrinsically for their unique formal qualities, and extrinsically for theme and socio-historical context including referencing cultures and individuals responsible for their creation. A variety of artworks will be examined for their formal qualities and the insight they provide about the societies that have created them. The course includes an oral communication component that develops skills in interpersonal communication.
Note: Distance Learning Approved.
Credits: 3
Prereq: ARTH 1101 and ENGL 1105 or ARTH 2211 Lecture hours: 3 Course/lab fee: ART1 General Education Program Course GEP