Sep 24, 2024  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Please Note

The listing of a course in this catalog does not imply that the course will be offered in a particular semester, or that the course is offered on a regular basis. Please check the Shawnee State University Course Offerings or the Department for up-to-date information on what will be offered during a particular term.

In addition, it should be noted that some upper level courses are not included on these pages. Please contact your faculty advisor for further information.


Summer 2019, Fall Semester 2019, Spring Semester 2020

Course fees are charged when the department code appears in the far right column of each course listing.  The fee is calculated by multiplying the number of credit hours for the course by the amount shown for the department below:

NOTE:  The course fee covers costs that exceed basic instruction, such as lab equipment and software; program materials and supplies; and coordination of field placements and internships.  The fee is applied to selective courses where appropriate.

Fee Per Credit Hour

ADNR - Nursing 25.00
ART1 (tier 1) - Arts 7.00
ART2 (tier 2) - Arts 15.00
ART3 (tier 3) - Arts 25.00
ATTR - Athletic Training 25.00
BIOL - Biology 25.00
BSHS - Health Science 5.00
BSNR - Nursing 25.00
BUHE - Health Care Administration 20.00
BUIS - Information Systems 45.00
BUSI - Business 10.00
CCAA - Course Credit by Arrangement Administrative Fee 150.00
CHEM - Chemistry 25.00
DTHY - Dental Hygiene 45.00
EDUC - Education 15.00
EMTP - Emergency Med 20.00
ENGT - Engineering 22.00
GCAA - Grad Course Credit by Arrangement Administrative Fee 150.00
HUMA - Humanities 10.00
MATH - Mathematics 15.00
MTH1 - Mathematics, Graduate 15.00
MTH3 - Mathematics, Graduate 35.00
MTH4 - Mathematics, Graduate - Off Campus Cohorts 60.00
MECI - EDCI, Masters 20.00
MEIS - EDCU, Masters 20.00
MEUC - EDUC, Masters 20.00
MLTC - Medical Lab Tech 25.00
MOT - Masters Occupational Therapy 75.00
NSCI - Natural Science 25.00
OTAT - Occupational Therapy 20.00
PTAT - Physical Therapy 20.00
RDLT - Radiology 25.00
RPTT - Respiratory Therapy 25.00
SSCI - Social Science 10.00
SSES - Exercise Science 15.00
SSPE - Physical Education 5.00
SSSM - Sports Management 15.00
UNC1 - University College 1 - Developmental Reading and Writing 3.00
UNC2 - University College 1 - First Year Experience 12.00
UNC3 - University College - Developmental Mathematics 17.00

Flat Rates

EDU1 - Education Field Fee 294.00
EDU2 - Education Field Fee 147.00
CIPA - Studenty Abroad Course Fee 120.00

Student fees listed here are for the Summer 2016, Fall 2016 & Spring 2017 semesters and are subject to change.  Shawnee State University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustment that may become necessary.

Explanation of Prerequisites

Most learning beyond basic skills is dependent upon mastery of some prior skill or subject content. As a result, many courses at the University require the satisfaction of prerequisites prior to course enrollment. Prerequisites may be met by successful completion of the prior courses listed or by placement, via testing, into the course.

The academic division/college may withdraw a student from a course for which prerequisites have not been satisfied.

Explanation of Abbreviations

These abbreviations are found throughout the course descriptions on the following pages.

Prereq. — Prerequisite
Coreq. — Corequisite
$ Indicates lab fees apply to this course, see the box on the left.
GEP Indicates General Education Program course (see the General Education Program Requirements by Content Category  for details)


  • BUMK 4400 - Entrepreneurial Marketing

    Recent years have witnessed the use of such terms as subversive marketing, disruptive marketing, radical marketing, guerrilla marketing, viral marketing, and expeditionary marketing.  Each reflects an alternative approach to conventional marketing.  This course represents an attempt to bring together these perspectives by providing an integrative framework called Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM).  With EM, marketing is approached not as a set of tools (a technology) for facilitating transactions or responding to change, but as a vehicle for fundamentally redefining products and markets in ways that produce sustainable competitive advantage.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUMK 2100 or BUMK 3100 and BUMK 3400
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUMK 4995 - Marketing Practicum

    The Marketing Practicum provides marketing majors with the opportunity to integrate the knowledge and skills they have acquired into the work environment as they complete meaningful productive tasks. Additionally, students will complete a capstone project that requires utilization of critical thinking skills to synthesize previous course work and develop original ideas.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Instructor Permission Required
    Lecture hours: 3
  • BUMK 4999 - Special Topics in Marketing

    Opportunity for the junior or senior student to work on special projects under the supervision of an instructor with expertise in the area of the student’s project.

    Credits: 1-3

    Prereq: Faculty Consent Required.
  • BUOA 1110 - Beginning Document Processing

    A study of the touch system of keyboarding and the 10-key pad at the personal computer as well as an introduction to document processing.

    Credits: 3

    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 1130 - Records Management

    Designed to emphasize the principles and practices of effective records management for manual, automated, and computer records systems. Access software is used to apply the ARMA alphabetic indexing rules.

    Credits: 3

    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 1140 - Word Processing

    Advanced word processing concepts and skills (including Desktop Publishing) are presented to the person with previous training in word processing.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUIS 1010 or BULA 2640
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 1150 - Spreadsheet Applications

    Advanced spreadsheet concepts and skills with application to business situations are presented to the person with previous training in spreadsheets.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUIS 1010 or BULA 2640
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 1170 - Database Applications

    Advanced database concepts and skills are presented to the person with previous training in database applications.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUIS 1010 or BULA 2640
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 2110 - Office Communications

    Introduction to machine transcription and the development of transcription skills, which include vocabulary development, spelling, punctuation, grammar, and study of Outlook software as a communications tool.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUOA 1140
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 2120 - Office Administration

    Survey of the responsibilities and opportunities of an office administration position encompassing a variety of administrative duties. Lab work is completed on a personal computer.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUOA 1140
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 2130 - Medical Office Administration

    The preparation of medical documents, emphasizing specialized terminology and proper procedures for preparing medical reports.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUOA 1140 and BUOA 2110
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 2140 - Microcomputer Office Integration

    An integrated simulation using MS Office Word (including Desktop Publishing), Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: BUOA 1140, BUOA 1150, and BUOA 1170
    Course/lab fee: $
  • BUOA 2999 - Topics in Office Administration

    Opportunity for the student to work on special projects under the supervision of an instructor with expertise in the area of the student’s project.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Faculty Consent Required
  • BURE 2100 - Real Estate Principles/Practices

    Introduction to real estate economics and administration. Includes elementary physical, legal, locational, and economic characteristics of real estate; real estate markets; and national, regional, and local economic influences on real estate values.

    Note: Serves as a preparation for securing a license.

    Credits: 3

  • BURE 2120 - Real Estate Law

    Includes the law of agency as applied to real estate brokers and salesmen, law of fixtures, estates (including leases), conveyancing of real estate, real estate managers, license laws of Ohio, zoning, cooperatives, and condominiums.

    Credits: 3

  • BURE 2160 - Real Estate Appraisal/Finance

    Introduction to legal, locational, and economic characteristics of real estate, including national, regional, and local influences on real property valuation. Financing–money, monetary systems, loans, foreclosures–is also explored.

    Note: Serves as a preparation for securing a real estate license.

    Credits: 3

  • BURE 2999 - Topics in Real Estate

    Opportunity for the student to work on special projects under the supervision of an instructor with expertise in the area of the student’s project.

    Credits: 1-3

    Prereq: Faculty Consent Required
  • CHEM 0099 - Prep for College Chemistry

    Designed for students with an inadequate background in chemistry or students who have not had high school chemistry prior to enrollment in CHEM 1121 or CHEM 1141.  Topics and material presented are intended to increase student’s familiarity with the periodic table, chemical processes, and chemical calculations.


    Credits: 2

    Prereq: MATH 0101
  • CHEM 1121 - Principles of Chemistry

    An introductory course in basic chemical concepts for non-science majors. Topics include properties of matter, atomic structure, chemical reactions, inorganic nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, atomic theory, periodic table, gases, solutions, acid-base chemistry, and nuclear chemistry.

    Note: Credit allowed for only one of these introductory courses: CHEM 1121 or CHEM 1141.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: MATH 0101
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: NSCI
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • CHEM 1141 - General Chemistry 1

    An introductory study of the fundamental concepts of chemistry including inorganic nomenclature, the mole concept and stoichiometry, chemical reactions, gas laws, atomic structure and quantum theory, periodic classification of the elements, molecular structure and chemical bonding, and states of matter.

    Note: Credit allowed for only one of these introductory courses: CHEM 1121 or CHEM 1141.

    Credits: 4

    Coreq: Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, MATH 1200; or placement into a higher level MATH course.
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • CHEM 1142 - General Chemistry 2

    Continuation of CHEM1141. An introduction to organic chemistry, properties of solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, electrochemistry, and thermodynamics.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 1141 (with a grade of “C-” or better) and MATH 1200 or MATH 1300 or placement
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • CHEM 2200 - Intro to Organic Chemistry

    The course is a survey of the major functional groups found in organic compounds. The course includes study of nomenclature and reactions, with an emphasis on relating the chemical properties of a substance to its structure. The organic chemistry of compounds of biological interest is included, as is the organic chemistry of polymeric materials.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 1121 or CHEM 1141
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • CHEM 2999 - Topics in Chemistry

    A study of topics not otherwise available to students.

    Note: May include a lab.

    Credits: 1-4

    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 3305 - Organic Chemistry 1

    An introductory course for science majors covering basics of structure, mechanism, stereochemistry, and reactions of organic compounds. Topics in spectroscopy and the chemistry of a few functional groups are included.

    Note: Credit is not allowed for both CHEM 3305 and CHEM 2200.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 1142
    Prereq/coreq: Prereq:/coreq. CHEM 1142
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 3306 - Organic Chemistry 2

    A continuation of CHEM3305. This course continues the study of nomenclature and reactions of major functional groups.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 3305
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 3323 - Analytical Chemistry 1

    An introduction to methods of chemical analysis. Topics include statistics, equilibria, volumetric analysis, and an introduction to instrumental analysis.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 1142 and MATH 1250 or MATH 1300 or MATH 2210
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 3325 - Analytical Chemistry 2

    The use of electronic instrumentation (spectroscopic, chromatographic, and electrochemical) for chemical analyses.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 3323
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4411 - Biochemistry

    An overview of the structural and functional characteristics of biologically important macromolecules. Includes an introduction to protein structure, enzyme kinetics and mechanisms, cellular respiration, and lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: CHEM 3306
    Lecture hours: 3
  • CHEM 4431 - Physical Chemistry 1

    An introduction to quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics.  Quantum topics include the Schrodinger equation, particle-in-a-box, harmonic oscillator, molecular orbital theory, and molecular spectroscopy. Thermodynamics topics include the first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, and their applications to chemical systems. Chemical kinetics topics include rate laws, integrated rate equations, the steady state approximation, and the derivation of rate law expressions from reaction mechanisms.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 1142, MATH 2110, and PHYS 2202 or PHYS 2212.
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4432 - Physical Chemistry 2

    An in-depth study of physical chemistry, consisting of advanced topics in quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics. This course is a continuation of the foundational course: CHEM4431-Physical Chemistry 1).

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 4431 and MATH 2120.
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4441 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    An introduction to inorganic bonding, structure, and reactivity. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, molecular symmetry and group theory, acid-base theories, oxidation and reduction chemistry, coordination compounds (including nomenclature, bonding, electronic spectra, and reactions and mechanisms), and organometallic chemistry.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: CHEM 3306
    Lecture hours: 3
    Lab hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4447 - Advanced Synthesis

    A course in advanced synthesis and characterization of small molecules, macro-molecules, and nanoparticles. Written and oral communication of lab reports and journal articles will be emphasized. Chemical literature searching, use of citation managers, computer applications, and chemical drawing skills will be core outcomes. This course is intended to serve as a capstone for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: CHEM 3306, CHEM 4431, CHEM 3323, and instructor approval.
    Lab hours: 6
    Course/lab fee: $
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • CHEM 4486 - Senior Project

    In-depth study of a selected topic in chemistry, culminating in the preparation of a senior paper.

    Credits: 1-3

    Prereq: Faculty permission required.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4491 - Seminar in Chemistry

    Study of a specific advanced topic in chemistry.

    Credits: 1-3

    Prereq: Junior or Senior standing.
  • CHEM 4495 - Undergraduate Research

    Independent chemistry investigation under the direction of a faculty member. A written report is required.

    Credits: 1-4

    Prereq: Senior Only
    Course/lab fee: $
  • CHEM 4999 - Special Topics in Chemistry

    The study of topics not otherwise available to students.

    Note: May include a lab.

    Credits: 1-4

  • CIPA 2999 - Special Topics: Study Abroad

    Study abroad as part of a university-sanctioned program.

    Credits: 12

    Prereq: Faculty Consent Required
  • COMM 1103 - Public Speaking/Human Comm

    Principles of public speaking and practice in presenting informative and persuasive speeches with emphasis on the human communication process.

    Credits: 3

    Coreq: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1103
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • COMM 1105 - Intro to Mass Communication

    Introduction to all forms of mass communication, including newspapers, magazines, radio/television, book publishing, public relations, advertising, and photojournalism. Begins with an analysis of the communication process and ends with media career opportunities.

    Credits: 3

    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2121 - Technical Communication

    A course that stresses skills needed to produce professional-quality documents that effectively convey technical information. The fundamentals of audience analysis, document design and organization, revision, and achieving a readable style are addressed. Students produce basic workplace documents, such as technical definitions, product descriptions, instructions, and brief reports.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ENGL 1105 or ENGL 1107
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2220 - Oral Interpretation Literature

    Techniques of oral interpretation and development of adequate intellectual and emotional responsiveness to meaning of literature.

    Credits: 3

    Lecture hours: 3
  • COMM 2231 - News Reporting and Writing

    Methods of gathering and evaluating news and writing news stories. Practice work includes covering assignments and writing news copy.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Typing proficiency
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2232 - News Reporting and Writing 2

    This course is a continuation of COMM2231. It focuses on students working as professional journalists in a newsroom (computer lab). The professor teaching the course acts as editor. Student journalists cover assignments on various beats and compose news stories for the student newspaper. Class time will be spent writing and discussing reporting problems and successes, in addition to other journalism topics.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 2231
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2250 - Publication Editing and Design

    This course begins with aspects of editing and proofreading copy for published and broadcast news presentations, followed by fundamentals of layout and design of news presentations for various print and web publications.  The copy editing component is based on Associated Press style for print and broadcast.  Instruction includes fundamentals in visual communication followed by the mechanics of electronic pagination in a newsroom environment for print and web publishing.  A discussion of presentation accuracy, engagement, sensationalism, ethics, and legal issues associated with presentation are also addressed.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 2231 and COMM 2232
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2275 - Radio and Television Journalism

    This course focuses on the study and application of announcing and newscasting styles in use in media–primarily radio and television. It provides understanding of the functions of and challenges facing the media announcer and newscaster.

    Note: “On-air” announcing at both a local television station and radio station is required.

    Credits: 3

    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2289 - Magazine Feature Writing

    Writing and marketing free-lance magazine articles of various types, including personal narrative, informative, how-to, historical, personality sketch, investigative, and interpretative. Students learn how to generate ideas, get photos, propose article ideas to editors, and survey regional and specialty magazine markets.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 2231 and COMM 2232
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 2335 - Interpersonal Communication

    Study of the principles of interpersonal communication including perception, verbal and nonverbal communication, conflict management, and mindful listening.  Emphasis is on the theory and practice of interpersonal communication in a variety of contexts including social, familial, and professional.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ENGL 1105
    Lecture hours: 3
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • COMM 3185 - Internship in Communications

    Out-of-classroom work experience under the supervision of an English/Humanities Communication faculty member and the on-site supervisor.  The work assignment must be related to communication and may be conducted within a campus department, or within a business or industry, the public or private sector, or state, federal or local government.  Level of course credit is based on the scope and responsibilities of the internship.

    Credits: 1-4

    Prereq: English/Humanities majors with sophomore, junior, or senior standing; and instructor permission.
    Lecture hours: Internship Hours
  • COMM 3300 - Public Relations/Communications

    This course is an overview of the practice and effects of public relations and how it functions in organizations and society. Historical perspectives, strategic management communication functions, practical techniques, new communication technologies, communication with diverse publics, ethics, and social responsibility all will be emphasized. The course proceeds from the perspective that public relations is a communication management function through which organizations adapt to, alter, or maintain their environment in order to achieve organizational goals.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 1105 and COMM 2231
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 3306 - Strategic Communication

    This course helps students develop strategic writing, research, and communication skills for print, broadcast, and online media in a variety of disciplines, including public relations, advertising, sales and marketing, and business communication.  Taught in a computer lab.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ENGL 1105
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 3381 - Feminist Rhetoric

    An extensive examination of various rhetorical strategies developed and used by feminists throughout the history of America.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ENGL 1105 or ENGL 1107
    Lecture hours: 3
  • COMM 3390 - Communication Practicum

    Permits students interested in the school newspaper to receive up to four hours of credit for their work.  This work is directly supervised by the faculty advisor for the newspaper.  Students must collect their work in a portfolio which will be evaluated by the supervising faculty member.  A student who registers for fewer than four hours may retake COMM3390 for additional credit up to a total of four credit hours.  The student, supervising faculty member, and chair must agree on the number of credit hours to be awarded before the student enrolls in COMM3390.

    Credits: 1-4

    Prereq: COMM 1105, COMM 2231. Faculty Consent Required.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 3392 - Intercultural Communication

    Overview of the major principles, theories, and systems of intercultural communication with specific focus on technological and media contexts.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 1103 and ENGL 1105 or ENGL 1107
    Lecture hours: 3
  • COMM 4420 - Adv Public Relations Writing

    The course covers all forms of writing for public relations, including news releases, public service announcements, magazine queries, securing television and radio interviews, coverage memos, media alerts/advisories, features, trade press releases, newsletters, backgrounders, and public relations presentations.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 1103 and COMM 3300 and ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1102 and ENGL 1105
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 4490 - Organizational Communication

    A study of core communication principles and skills vital to contemporary organizations.  The course features a combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the study of formal and informal interactions, verbal and non-verbal messages, small group communication, interviewing, leadership, and presentation skills. Students are encouraged to take COMM3335 before enrolling in this class.

    Note: Students are encouraged to take COMM 3335 before enrolling in this class.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: COMM 1103 and ENGL 1105
  • COMM 4492 - Communication Portfolio

    A capstone class intended to help students assemble their communications portfolio and prepare them for interviewing in communication related fields.

    Credits: 2

    Lecture hours: Portfolio Hours
    Course/lab fee: $
  • COMM 4999 - Special Topics in Communication

    Study of various topics in communication and journalism not otherwise available to students.

    Credits: 1-3

    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 1111 - Ballet Technique I

    An introductory-level studio course in classical ballet technique.  This course will focus on ballet fundamentals, including barre and center floor exercises, along with coordination, musicality, strength and elegance.

    Note: May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1

    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 1212 - Jazz Dance I

    Introduction to basic elements of jazz dance including alignment, strength, flexibility, rhythm and movement.

    Note: May be repeated for credit

    Credits: 1

    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 1313 - Tap Dance I

    Beginning level of tap dance, developing an understanding of rhythmic structures in traditional and contemporary approaches to tap technique and choreography.

    Note: May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1

    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 1414 - Modern Dance I

    This course involves the integration of exploratory and inventive movement with kinesthetic development and movement vocabulary for Modern Dance techniques.  This course will emphasize the fundamentals of contemporary and classical dance techniques.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: Instructor Permission
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 2011 - Ballet II

    A continuation of Ballet Techniques I with intermediate to advanced work in Ballet styles and techniques.

    Note: May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DANC 1111 or Instructor Permission
    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 2012 - Jazz Dance II

    A continuation of Jazz Dance I with intermediate to advanced work in styles and Jazz techniques.

    Note: May be repeated for credit

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DANC 1212 or Instructor Permission
    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 2013 - Tap Dance II

    A continuation of Tap Dance I with intermediate to advanced work in the styles and techniques of tap dance, with emphasis on movement efficiency and diversity.

    Note: May be repeated for credit.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DANC 1313 or Instructor Permission
    Lecture hours: 1
    Lab hours: 4
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 2014 - Modern Dance II

    This course will cover the advance movement vocabulary for Modern Technique.  It is intended to help the student understand dance as a process of exploring movement, performing and relating to other dancers and the audience.  Modern dance involves the integration of exploratory and inventive movement with kinesthetic development.  This course will emphasize the advanced concepts of contemporary and classical Modern Dance Techniques.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DANC 1414
    Lecture hours: 1
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 3000 - Dance Choreography

    The principles of dance composition, using the body as an instrument of expression with attention to design, thematic material, structure, form in creating solo and small group dances.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: DANC 1111 and Sophomore Standing, or instructor permission
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 3001 - Dance History

    Study of the Western theatrical dance forms from its roots in early cultures; to the twentieth century, with a focus on contemporary dance; and, on through to the present.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Sophomore Standing or Instructor Permission
    Lecture hours: 3
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DANC 4000 - Dance Performance Practicum

    The practical elements involved in planning, implementing, choreographing and performing in a dance concert.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DANC 1111 and Sophomore Standing, or instructor permission.
    Lecture hours: 1
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1102 - DH Theory and Techniques 1

    Introduces principles and techniques for dental hygiene practice; including principles of preventive dentistry regarding etiology of deposits, caries, inflammation and oral physiotherapy methods. Aseptic techniques and guidelines for prevention of disease transmission are outlined. Development of foundational clinical skills for dental hygiene care and basic principles of dental hygiene instrumentation for detection and removal of deposits on manikin and student partner.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: Admission to Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1103 - DH Theory & Techniques 2

    Continuation of principles and techniques for dental hygiene care, with the addition of rationale and technique for polishing and application of fluorides.  Continuation of patient assessment techniques with emphasis on performing and documenting extra-oral/intra-oral examinations and dental/periodontal charting.  Ethics and history of dental hygiene profession and application of patient education.  Treatment planning and patient management techniques for dental anxiety and oral hypersensitivity.  Review of infection control measures.

    Note: Instrument sharpening techniques are introduced.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: DTHY 1102 and Admission to the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1104 - Clinical Dental Hygiene 2

    Application of knowledge and further development of clinical skills. Clinical demonstration of proficiencies to include: polishing technique, fluoride application, extra-oral/intra-oral examination and dental/periodontal charting. Infection control for disease prevention will be practiced. Completion and protected privacy of patient records will be assessed. Clinical skills will be practiced on student partner and then patients scheduled for dental hygiene treatment in the SSU dental hygiene clinic.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: DTHY 1102. Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Coreq: DTHY 1103
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1110 - Dental Head/Neck Anat/Histology

    A fundamental dental science course which includes a detailed study of bones, muscles, blood supply, nerves, and lymphatics of the head and neck; tooth morphology, supporting structures, intraoral anatomy and occlusion; histological and embryonic development of face and oral cavity including the teeth and supporting structures.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1111 - Dental Radiology

    Dental radiographic theory and techniques. Topics include: characteristics of radiation, x-ray production, exposure factors and their effects on radiographs, radiation biology, radiation protection, intra-oral and extra-oral techniques, film and film processing, faulty radiographs, and interpretation of anatomic landmarks and pathology. Techniques to perform quality assurance, expose, process, and mount intra-oral and extra-oral radiographs.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Admission to Dental Hygiene program
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1114 - Periodontology

    A study of the periodontal supporting structures of the teeth and diseases/conditions that affect the periodontium. Classification, etiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, treatment and prevention of periodontal diseases and conditions are discussed.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 1115 - Oral Microbiology/Immunology

    A study of general microbiology as applied to systemic and oral diseases and immunology. Applied microbiology principles are used in topics of sterilization and sepsis. A foundation of microbiology and immunology principles for subsequent courses in periodontics, pathology and pharmacology.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: BIOL 1130 and Admission in the Dental Hygiene Program
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2201 - Med Emergencies/Dental Office

    The pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, recognition, management, and prevention of medical emergencies that may occur in the dental office.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission to the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2202 - Clinical Dental Hygiene 3

    Continuation of DTHY1104. Techniques and procedures of dental hygiene care and service performed in the clinic atmosphere as they would be in practice.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: Admission to the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2203 - DH Care:Special Needs and Ethics

    Discussion of modified dental hygiene care for patients with special needs in addition to an emphasis on ethics and professionalism as they relate to the dental hygiene profession.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program
  • DTHY 2204 - Clinical Dental Hygiene 4

    Continuation of DTHY2202. Clinical application of dental hygiene patient care with emphasis on comprehensive care and adjunctive therapies.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2205 - DH Care:App Nutrition/Sr Seminar

    Discussion of nutritional counseling as it relates to dental caries and periodontal disease. In addition, selected topics through seminars and lectures are presented to aid in professional growth.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Coreq: DTHY 2206
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2206 - Clinical Dental Hygiene 5

    Advanced clinical application of dental hygiene techniques with emphasis on complete dental hygiene care and nutrition as it relates to direct patient care.

    Credits: 4

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Coreq: DTHY 2205
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2210 - Dental Health Education

    Designed to provide the dental hygiene student with organizational skills necessary for presenting information on oral health and wellness to individual patients and groups. Students will have the opportunity to apply teaching/learning techniques in the classroom. Presentations of lesson plans with visual aids for teaching dental health. Motivational concepts as applied to dental health education. Developing and planning of dental health education programs.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: DTHY 1102, DTHY 1103, and DTHY 1104. Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2211 - Seminar in Adv Periodontology

    A study of current concepts regarding nonsurgical treatment of periodontal disease. Major emphasis will be on assessing root debridement techniques, education, maintenance and care of patients with periodontal disease. Course will include completion of a periodontal case study patient treated in the SSU dental hygiene clinic.

    Note: Current periodontal research topics.

    Credits: 1

    Prereq: DTHY 1114 and admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2212 - Dental Materials

    A study of the physical properties and manipulation of materials used in dentistry including restorative and preventive materials. Lab experiences include manipulation and placement of pit and fissure sealants, preliminary impressions, fabrication and trimming of study models, and amalgam polishing.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2214 - Dental Public Health

    An introduction to the field of public health. An emphasis will be placed on dental public health, including epidemiology, prevention, and a basic approach to creating a dental public health program with a focus on assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission to the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2215 - General and Oral Pathology

    An introduction to pathology. Discussion includes the processes of inflammation, necrosis, retrograde changes, and wound healing. Etiologies, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of oral lesions, as well as pathology of diseases affecting teeth and their supporting structures are considered.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2216 - Pharmacology

    Introduction to drugs and anesthetics used and encountered in dentistry as well as a study of patient management. Includes discussion of the origin, physical and chemical properties, effects on body systems, indication and contraindications for use, and methods of administration and elimination for major categories of drugs.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: AHNR 1103 and admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2217 - Nutrition

    The study of nutrients and how the body processes and uses them, their contribution to health, the consequences of nutrient deficiencies and the importance of an adequate, health diet and healthy lifestyle.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2218 - Local Anesthesia & Pain Control

    The study and application of methods of anesthesia and pain control used during dental treatment with which the dental hygiene student is involved. The scope of contemporary dental hygiene includes procedures which are likely to produce pain, and the ability to provide relief during such procedures is essential. The main topics of this course are nitrous oxide/oxygen inhalation anesthesia and local anesthesia.

    Credits: 2

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Coreq: DTHY 2216
    Lecture hours: 11
    Lab hours: 14
    Course/lab fee: $
  • DTHY 2999 - Topics in Dental Hygiene

    A study of topics not otherwise available to students.

    Credits: 1-3

    Prereq: Admission in the Dental Hygiene program.
    Course/lab fee: $
  • ECON 1103 - Foundations of Political Economy

    Introduces students to the economy and to economics as a way of thinking about the world. Builds on and incorporates basic concepts from both micro and macroeconomics and examines the role of scarcity, choice, and institutions in framing the changing roles of the private and public sector in the U.S. economy.

    Credits: 3

    Lecture hours: 3
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • ECON 2201 - Principles of Microeconomics

    An elementary analysis of the principles of microeconomics. Includes a study of consumer behavior, different types of products and resource markets, and an analysis of certain economic problems.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: MATH 1010
    Lecture hours: 3
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • ECON 2202 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    An introduction to the elementary principles of macroeconomics. Includes a study of the economic system and an analysis of national income concepts, fiscal and monetary policies, and economic growth.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: MATH 1010
    Lecture hours: 3
    General Education Program Course GEP
  • ECON 2203 - Economics of Gender

    This course addresses the changing roles of men and women in the United States economy with extensive international comparisons.

    Credits: 3

    Lecture hours: 3
  • ECON 2999 - Topics in Economics

    A study of topics not otherwise available to students.

    Note: Repeatable for credit.

    Credits: 1-3

  • ECON 3301 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    A study of the economic theories of the consumer and the firm. Analysis of price and output behavior under various product and market structures and resource market analysis.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ECON 2201 and ECON 2202
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ECON 3302 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    National income analysis; fiscal and monetary policies for economic stabilization.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ECON 2201 and ECON 2202
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ECON 3310 - Money and Banking

    Development of banking and the role of the Federal Reserve system in the U.S. Analysis of monetary policy for purpose of stabilization.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ECON 2201 and ECON 2202
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ECON 3320 - History of Economic Thought

    Evolution of economic thought and methods with emphasis on the theories and ideas of the mercantilists, the physiocrats, the classicals, the neoclassicals, the Marxists, the Keynesians, and other schools of thought.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ECON 2201 and ECON 2202
    Lecture hours: 3
  • ECON 3326 - Economic History of the U.S.

    Analysis of the changes in the economic structure and development of the U.S. from colonial days to the present. Includes a survey of American economic life and the role of entrepreneurship in economic development.

    Credits: 3

    Prereq: ECON 2201 and ECON 2202
    Lecture hours: 3

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