Feb 16, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Trustees, Staff, and Faculty

Page content:

Board of Trustees

Watson, Joseph Chairperson
Edwards, Wallace “Eddie”
Evans, Scott
Furbee, David
Hartop, Francesca
Hash, Sondra
Howarth, Robert

White, George
Williams, Scott
Heresh, Leen Student

Stratton, Audrey Student
Bauer, Jeffery University President, Ex Officio
Braun, Eric Board Secretary
Boyles, Elinda Board Treasurer


Founder Emeritus

Riffe, Vernal G., Jr., The Late

Chairman Emeritus

Brown, Walter N., The Late

Trustee Emeritus

Ferguson, Orville R., I, The Late
Hyland, Frank D., The Late
McCoy, Jack
Reynolds, Klara “Kay”

President Emeritus

Taylor, Frank C., The Late
Veri, Clive C., Ph.D., The Late
Morris, Rita Rice, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Basham, Julia
Byrne, Frank, Ph.D.
Chrisman, Elizabeth
Coll, Julia, Ph.D.
Deal, D. Robert, Ph.D.
Dillard, Mary, Ph.D.
Doster, Steve, Ph.D.
Duncan, Barbara
Dzik, Tony, Ph.D.
Fiske, Michael, Ph.D.
Flavin, James P., Ph.D.
Gallaher, Janna, Ph.D.
Gemmer, Gary
Hadjiyannis, Stylianos, Ph.D., The Late
Hamilton, Virginia
Hilgarth, Carl
Hodgden, Betty L., The Late
Huang, Xiaodan, Ph.D.
Kelley, John L., Ph.D., The Late
Lorentz, John, Ph.D.
Massie, Gayle
McPherson, James, Ph.D.
Moore, Dan, Ph.D.
Nickel, Linda
Oliver, Scott, D.D.S.
Pambookian, Hagop S., Ph.D.
Raiser, Lane, The Late
Simon, Kathleen, Ph.D.
Stead, Thomas, M.F.A.
Sykes, William
Thoroughman, Marla
Wilson, Robert L., Ph.D.

Administrator Emeritus

Cummings, Mary
Charles, Joanne

President and Executive Staff

Bauer, Jeffrey, Ph.D.  (1987) The Ohio State University

Boyles, Elinda, Ph.D. (1988) University of Nevada Las Vegas
Vice President for Finance and Administration

Braun, Eric, J.D. (2009)
Vice President for Advancement and Institutional Relations

Thiel, Becky, DNP (1982) Case Western Reserve University
Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs


Irish, Cheryl, Ed.D. (2017) University of Cincinnati
Assistant Dean, Director of School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Kacir, Christopher, Ph.D. (2002)  Ohio University
Dean, University College

Madden, Paul, Ph.D. (1992) Ohio University
Dean, College of Professional Studies
Director, Graduate Studies

Milliken, Roberta L., Ph.D. (1996) University of Toledo
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Sims, Marcie (2005)
Dean of Students

Stewart, Janet, M.LS (2001)Kent State University
Dean, Library Services

Academic Department Heads

Bentley, Nancy (1991) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Dental Hygiene, Department of Allied Health Sciences,  College of Professional Studies

Blau, Philip (2000) Chairperson, Professor, Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Cram, Matthew (1998) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, & Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Denning, Leeann (1999) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

France, Amy (2006) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Inman, Kimberly (2013) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Irish, Cheryl (2017) Assistant Dean, Director, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Johnson, Janice (1990) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Professional Studies

McGlone, Jean (2009) Program Director, Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Miller, Adam  Chairperson, Associate Professor, Plastics, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Moore, Kim (2009) Program Director, OTA, Associate Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Pauley, Jennifer (2007) Chairperson, Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Rader, Steven (1996) Program Director, Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, Sport Studies, College of Professional Studies

Rudmann, Darrell (2005) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Scurlock, Debra (2000) Chairperson, Professor, Program Director, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Shifko, Sheena (2012) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Radiologic Technologies, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Turner, William (2000) Program Leader, Assistant Professor, Emergency Medical Technology, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Walker, Ryan (2009) Program Leader, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapist Assistant, Department of Allied Health Sciences. College of Professional Studies

Ward, James (Tony) (2001) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Athletic Training, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies


Administration (Highest Degree)

Ballengee, Greg (1996) Controller

Bauer, Jeffrey A. (1987) President

Bazler, Brittany  Coordinator, Campus Visit & Programs

Blanton, Lee B. (1996) Bursar

Blevings, Jeff (2001) Engineer, Telecommunications/Network

Blevins, Elizabeth (2008) Director, Communications

Bobo-Stump, Kara  Assistant Director, Alumni and Community Engagement

Boyles, Elinda (1988) Vice-President, Finance & Administration

Braun, Eric (2009) Vice President for Advancement & Institutional Relations

Brown, Sarah (2005)  Coordinator, Contract Services

Broughton, Nicholas  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Burchett, Mark (1991) Laboratory Assistant, Department of Natural Sciences

Cantrell, Heather (2009) Academic Advisor/Student Support Coordinator, College of Arts and Sciences

Chinn, Gail (2006) Assistant to the Dean, College of Professional Studies

Colley, Kevin (2019) Coordinator, Sports Information and Game Management

Combs, Curtis E.  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Cook, Kelcie  Admissions Associate

Cornwell, Kenneth Ray (1994) Director, Educational Opportunity Center, Interim Director, OACHE

Crawford, Matthew (1998) Programmer/Analyst

Crawford, Vickie (1998) Senior Programmer/Analyst

Currie, Jasmine  Residence Coordinator

Darnell, Lisa R.  Representative, Department of Public Safety

Davis, Laura (2012) Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety 

Duduit, Angela (2017) Director, Career Services

Duduit, Blaine C. Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety 

Duduit, Sandra (2007)  Executive Assistant, Advancement & Institutional Relations

Farmer, James (2006) Assistant Director, Admissions

Gerlach, Leigh A. (1997) Institutional Research and Sponsored Programs

Hamilton, Jeff (2002) Director, Athletics

Hanshaw, Ashley (2018) Legal Assistant

Hardy, Charlotte (1999) Assistant Director, Financial Aid

Hartman, Tiffany (2002)  Director, Student Engagement & Leadership

Hawk, William R. (2004) Associate Director, Application Computing & Operations, University Information Services (UIS)

Hedrick, Amanda (2000) Director, Pre-Collegiate Programs and Initiatives

Howell, Deborah  Executive Assistant, Office of the Provost

Johnson, Malonda (2011) Director, Human Resources

Johnson-Varney Suzanne (2009) Librarian, Technical Services

Keller, Harmoni (2017) Project Director, Technology Prep

Keller, Tiffany (2008)  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Kilroy, David  Program Director, Kricker Innovation Hub

Kline, Robert D. Administrator, Computer Operations & Infrastructure

Koenig, Linda (2006) Director, Counseling and Health Services, Clinical Counselor

Kosan, Colleen (2011) Assistant Director, Advising & Academic Resources, Student Success Center

Kotcamp, Lloyd (Butch) (1990) Director, Facilities, Planning & Construction

Lansky, Beth  Executive Assistant, V.P. Finance & Administration

Leach, Karen L. (2012) Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Lewis, Kevin A.  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Liles, Kristin (1989)  Administrative Assistant, Student Success Center

Madden, Jaime (1995) Project Manager, University Information Services (UIS)

Madden, Paul (1992) Dean, College of Professional Studies; Director, Graduate Studies

McKenzie, DeAnn (2001) Supervisor, Accounting

McMillan, Justin (2014)  Senior Admissions Associate

McPhillips, Michael (2017)  General Counsel

Means, Amanda  Assistant Director, Recruiting & Transfer

Montavon, Amber  Assistant Director, Annual Giving & Advancement Communications

Moore, Charlotte  Project Director, 21st Century Community Learning Center

Moore, Chris M. Director, Development

Moore, Mark A. (1987) Bear Trax

Neal, Nicole (2001) Director, Student Business Operations

Ng, Astra  Coordinator, Communications

Noel, Terry (2007) Programmer/Analyst

Otworth, Pamela J. (2012) Executive Assistant, Office of the President

Patrick, Michelle (2003)  Coordinator, Disability Services

Peters, Jon (2012)  Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety

Pierce, Tena (2013)  Senior Admissions Associate

Poteet, Addison  CRM & Data Manager, Advancement Services

Priode, Jessica (2011)  Clinical Counselor, Campus Counseling Services

Putnam, Eric (2009) Senior Admissions Associate

Ratcliff, Paula (Susie) (2007) Grants Management, Institutional Research and Sponsored Programs

Ratcliff, Shawn  Admissions Associate

Reed, Jeremy (2010) Web Specialist

Roberts, Deanna (2001) Academic Advisor, College Credit Plus, Student Success Center

Rockwell, C. William (1997)  Executive Director, Auxiliary & Business Services

Russell, Mark (2000)  Manager, Database & Applications

Schackart, Jennifer  Director, University & Community Events

Schlosser, Leo A. (1995) Technology Director, Vern Riffe Center for the Arts

Scott, Sherry L. Assistant to the Dean, University College

Settle, Anna L. (2013) Counselor, Chemical Dependency, Campus Counseling Services

Shaffer, Chris (2011) Director, Institutional Research and Sponsored Programs

Sheets, Tamara L. (2019) University Registrar

Simms, Marcie (2005) Dean of Students

Stevenson, Debra L. Project Assistant, Student Support Services

Stewart, Janet (2001) Dean of Library Services, Clark Memorial Library

Temponeras, John (2008)  Project Manager, Construction

Thiel, Becky (1982) Provost & Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs

Thomas, Sthefany  Residence Coordinator

Thornsberry, Casey  VRCFA Manager

Thoroughman, David (2010) Director, Department of Public Safety

VanDeusen, Joseph (2002) Director, Risk Management & Safety

Warner, Charles D. (2000) Director, University Information Services (UIS)

Warner, Ryan (2015) Director, Center for International Programs & Study Abroad (CIPSA)

Weaver, Jim  Admissions Associate

Welch, Aimee  Director, Development Foundation

White, Dan (1995) Manager, User Support, University Information Services (UIS)

Yarnell, Mark A. (1997) Network Systems Engineer

Yerardi, Brian (2009) Sergeant, Security Services

Zender, David C. Director, Labor & Organization Development


Al-Azm, Amr (2009) Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Allen, Ann Marie (2017) Visiting Faculty, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Bailey, Catherine (2004) Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Barnette, April (2012) Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Studies, College of Professional Studies

Barnhart, Michael (2003) Professor, Music, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Bedick, Jon (2004) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Bentley, Nancy (1991) Associate Professor, Dental Hygiene, Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Blau, Philip (2000) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Boehle, Sarah (2015) Associate Professor, Healthcare Administration, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Bruewer, Aaron (2016) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Bunting, Thomas (2017) Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Burns, Eugene, Jr. (1999) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Carpathios, Neil (2008) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Carpenter, Wenifred (2013) Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Carrington, Jessica (2018) Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Carroll, Adair (2002) Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Cassidy, Kimberly (2017) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Chaffin, Daniel (2005) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Clausing, Sarah (2004)  Assistant Professor, Management, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Conn, Barbara (1997) Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Cram, Matthew (1998) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, & Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Curley, Jeff (2016) Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation and Sport, College of Professional Studies

Darbro, Douglas (1998) Professor, Graduate Program Director, Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Darnell, Kristina (2015) Assistant Professor, Radiologic Technology, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Davis, Chuck (2009) Associate Professor, Graphic Design, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

DeSario, David (2013) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Douthat, J. Scott (2005) Professor, Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Dunaway, Sally (2017) Senior Instructor, University College

Dunham, Jodi (2015) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Dunne, Sean (2013) Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Feight, Andrew (2004) Professor, American History, Department of Social Sciences College of Arts and Sciences

Feight, Janet (2007) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Fink, Alicia (2017) Visiting Faculty, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Finnen, Dan (2008) Associate Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Fleeman, Wendi L. (2004) Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Foit, Paul (AJ) (2015) Assistant Professor, EMT,  Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

France, Amy (2006) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Goetting, Melvin (1987) Assistant Professor, Management, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Gray, Ruby (2018) Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Graziani, Isabel (2005) Associate Professor, Art History, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Hamilton, Timothy (2003) Professor, Physics, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Hermanson, Cynthia (2011)  Senior Instructor, University College

Hudson, James M. (2004) Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Hunt, Linda (2012) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Huston, John (2007) Associate Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Inman, Kimberly (2013) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Johnson, Daniel (2011) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Johnson, Heather (2018) Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Johnson, Janice (1997) Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Professional Studies

Jones, Derek (2012) Associate Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Kamer, Georgeann (2013) Assistant Professor, Dental Hygiene, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Kehres, Edward (1996) Assistant Professor, MOT, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Kemp, Charles (2018) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Knutson, Debra (2003) Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Koehler, Karen (2017) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies, Project Director Teachers of the Visually Impaired

Kosan, Julius Ted (1990) Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Larson, Erik (2017) Assistant Professor, Geology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Lecouffe, Bastien (2016) Assistant Professor, Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Lehman, Margaret (2016) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Li, Jinlu (1989) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Linden, Ann (2011) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Liu, Kejing (2006) Professor, School of Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Lomashvili, Leila (2011) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Lovins, Jason (2018) Visiting Faculty, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Lucas, Barry (2013) Associate Professor, Accounting, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Lynn, Travis (2017) Visiting Faculty, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Lyons, Gregory (2000) Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Maxwell-Rader, Rhoni (2004) Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

McGlone, Jean (2009) Associate Professor, Medical Laboratory, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Meade, Christopher (2006) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Mendris, Robert (2004) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Meriwether, Nicholas (1996) Professor, Philosophy, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Miller, Adam (2011) Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Miller, Larry (2001) Professor, Plastics Engineering, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Miller, James (1989) Associate Professor, Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Minter, Logan (2017) Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Minter, Sarah (2013) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Mirabello, Mark L. (1987) Professor, History, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Moohr, Michele (2017) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Moore, Kim (2009) Associate Professor, OTA, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Myers, Dovel (2005) Assistant Professor, Information Systems Management, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Napper, Andrew (2002) Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Napper, Jennifer (2012) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Nichols, Preston (2005) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Nyawalo, Mich (2012) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

O’Connor, Christopher (1992) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Orlando, Monica (2015) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Pate, Lee Anne (2010) Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy, Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Pauley, Jennifer (2007) Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Perry, Keenan (2006) Associate Professor, Athletic Training, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Piontek, Thomas (2007) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Poirot, Clifford S., Jr. (1999) Professor, Economics, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Powell, Sherri (2016) Senior Instructor, University College

Raber, Christine (1998) Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Studies, College of Professional Studies

Rader, Steven (1996) Professor, Sport Studies, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Ranjbaran, Mohammad (2019) Associate Professor, Plastics, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Reneau, James M. (2004) Associate Professor, Information Systems Management, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Richards, Brian (2013) Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Roush, John (2018) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Rudmann, Darrell (2005) Associate Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Salinas, Pablo (2014) Associate Professor, Spanish, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Scott, Jennifer (2014) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Scott, Marc (2012) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Scurlock, Debra (2000) Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Sherman, Crystal (2010) Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Shifko, Sheena (2013) Associate Professor, Radiologic Technologies, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Shipley, Gay Lynn (2008) Associate Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Shoemaker, Kurt A. (2005) Professor, Geology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Shope, Shane (2016) Assistant Professor, School of Education, College of Professional Studies

Simmons, James (2007) Assistant Professor, Physics, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Sissel, Melinda D. (1988) Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Skaggs, Robert (2018) Associate Professor, Gaming, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Snedegar, Janet (2006) Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Spriggs, Jeffrey (2016) Instructor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Stephens, Alice (2018) Visiting Faculty, Health Sciences, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Stone, Mikel (2016) Assistant Professor, MOT, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Sturgeon, Douglas (2019)  Visiting Faculty, School of Education, Project Director, Deaf Education and Orientation & Mobility, College of Professional Studies

Teeters, Brad (2012) Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Turner, William (2017) Assistant Professor, EMT, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Vemsani, Lavanya (2006) Professor, Asian History, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Vestich, Eli (1997) Associate Professor, CADD, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Vick, Kyle (2005) Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Walker, Ryan (2009) Associate Professor, PTA, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Ward, James (Tony) (2000) Associate Professor, Athletic Training, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Warnock, Barbara (2006) Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Waugh, Heather (2012) Senior Instructor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Whitten, Lisa (2019) Assistant Professor, OTA, Department of Rehabilitation & Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Whitaker, John (2003) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Witherell, Jason (2006) Professor, Digital Simulation and Gaming Engineering, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Woodward, Mariah (2015) Assistant Professor, Health Sciences, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Workman, Stanley (2018) Visiting Faculty, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Yost, Paul (2015) Associate Professor, Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Zaph, Roberta (2018) Assistant Professor, Medical Laboratory, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies