Oct 11, 2024  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Trustees, Staff and Faculty

Board of Trustees

(Through June 2012)


Higgs-Horwell, Melissa Chairperson
Hartop, Francesca
Howarth, Robert
McCoy, Jack
Paine, Gary
Reynolds, Klara
Seif, Elizabeth B.
Williams, Scott

Ferry, Chelsea Student

Founder Emeritus

Riffe, Vernal G., Jr., The Late

Chairman Emeritus

Brown, Walter N., The Late

Trustee Emeritus

Ferguson, Orville R., I, The Late
Hyland, Frank D., The Late

President Emeritus

Taylor, Frank C., The Late
Veri, Clive C., Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus

Basham, Julia
Byrne, Frank, Ph.D.
Coll, Julia, Ph.D.
Dillard, Mary, Ph.D.
Fiske, Michael, Ph.D.
Flavin, James P., Ph.D.
Gallaher, Janna, Ph.D.
Gemmer, Gary
Hamilton, Virginia
Hodgden, Betty L., The Late
Kelley, John L., Ph.D.
Lorentz, John, Ph.D.
Moore, Dan, Ph.D.
Nickel, Linda
Oliver, Scott, D.D.S.
Pambookian, Hagop S., Ph.D.
Simon, Kathleen, Ph.D.
Sykes, William
Wilson, Robert L., Ph.D.

President and Executive Staff

Morris, Rita Rice (2003)
  President and Professor Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Boyles, Elinda C. (1988)
  Vice President for Finance and Administration M.Ed., University Nevada Las Vegas
Walker, Alan (2014)
  Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Ph.D.


Haas, Brenda (2005)  
  Dean of University College
Madden, Paul (2006)
  Iterim Dean, College of Professional Studies
Bauer, Jeffrey (1987)
  Dean, College of Arts and Sciences


Academic Department Heads

Bentley, Nancy L. (1991) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Dental Hygiene, Department of Allied Health Sciences,  College of Professional Studies

France, Amy (2006) Program Leader, Senior Instructor, Respiratory Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Hilgarth, Carl O. (1990) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Johnson, Janice (1990) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, College of Professional Studies

Lyons, Gregory A. (2000) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Maxson, Krista Taylor (1999) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Miller, James M (1989) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Milliken, Roberta L. (1996) Chairperson, Professor, English, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Moore, Kim (2009) Program Director/Leader, OTA, Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Napper, Andrew M. (2002) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Rader, Steven D. (1996) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Renfroe, Brenda S. (1991) Chairperson, Associate Professor, Radiologic Tech., Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Scurlock, Debra S. (2000) Program Leader, Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies

Thiel, Becky A. (1982) Chairperson, Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Thoroughman, Marla H. (1989) Chairperson, Professor, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Turner, William H. (Bill) (2000) Program Leader, Senior Instructor, Emergency Medical Technology, Department of Allied Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Walker, Ryan (2009) Program Leader, Senior Instructor, Physical Therapist Assistant, Department of Allied Health Sciences. College of Professional Studies

Ward, James A. (Tony) (2001) Program Leader, Associate Professor, Athletic Training, Department of Rehabilitation and Sport Professions, College of Professional Studies


Administration (Highest Degree)

Ballengee, Greg (1996) Controller

Bauer, Jeffrey A. (1987) Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Blanton, Lee B. (1996) Bursar and Student Business Center Director

Blevings, Jeff (2001) Engineer, Telecommunications/Network

Blevins, Elizabeth (2008) Director, Communications

Bobo-Stump, Kara  Secretary, Communications

Boggs, Ryan (2006) Trainer, Athletics

Boyles, Elinda (1988) Vice-President, Finance & Administration

Braun, Eric (2009) Executive Director, Development Foundation, Special Assistant to the President for Government Affairs

Brown, Sarah (2005)  Legal Assistant, Office of General Counsel

Broughton, Nicholas  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Burchett, Mark (1991) Laboratory Assistant, Department of Natural Sciences

Burke, Jonica (2007) Director, Institutional Finance

Cantrell, Heather (2009) Project Director, Student Support Services (TRIO)

Carson, Pat L. (1984) Director, Procurement Services

Cate, Heather D. (2011)  Assistant Director, Human Resources

Charles, Joanne T. (1979) Associate Vice President, Finance & Administration

Clausing, Sarah (2004)  Secretary to the Dean of College of Professional Studies

Combs, Curtis E.  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Cooper, Loretta (2011)  Nursing Lab Coordinator

Cornwell, Kenneth Ray (1994) Director, Educational Opportunity Center, Interim Director, OACHE

Corsaro, Brittany N.  Coordinator, Residence (Housing)

Crawford, Matthew (1998) Programmer/Analyst

Crawford, Vickie (1998) Senior Programmer/Analyst

Cummings, Mary Elizabeth (1988) Librarian, Reference

Cunningham, Stephen (2008) Project Director, Upward Bound Math/Science Center

Darnell, Lisa R.  Representative, Department of Public Safety

Davis, Laura (2012) Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety 

Davis, Teresa (2006) Classroom Teacher, Children’s Learning Center (CLC)

Duduit, Blaine C. Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety 

Duduit, Sandra (2007)  Executive Secretary, Vice President Finance & Administration

Duncan, William Peter (1983) Director, Office of Instructional Technology (OIT)

Eaton, Amanda (2010) Graphics Designer

Eggert, Laura (2014) Coordinator, Residence (Housing)

Farmer, James (2006) Coordinator, Transfer Student Services

Finch, Michelle (2006) Manager, BEAR Card/Accountant

Gerlach, Leigh A. (1997) Manager, Web Services

Graf, Rita (2009) Project Director, Technology Prep

Gregory, Denise  (1991) Assistant, Advising

Haas, Brenda (2005)  Dean of University College

Hacker, Cheryl (2010) General Counsel

Haider, Rita (2006) Director, Center for International Programs & Activities (CIPA)

Hamilton, Jeff (2002) Director, Athletics

Hammonds, Jennifer R. (2004) Associate Registrar

Hannah, William A. (1987) Associate Director, Office of Instructional Technology (OIT)

Hardy, Charlotte (1999) Assistant Director, Financial Aid

Harr, Rebecca (2000) Project Director, Upward Bound

Hartman, Tiffany (2002)  Director, Student Engagement & Leadership

Hatton, Laurie (1990) Associate Director, Financial Aid

Hawk, William R. (2004) Associate Director, Application Computing & Operations, University Information Services (UIS)

Hedrick, Amanda (2000) Head Teacher, Children’s Learning Center (CLC)

Heresh, Jeanna (2011) Interim Head Teacher, Children’s Learning Center (CLC)

Hoft, Thomas W. Manager, Labor & Employee Relations

Hughes, Michael J. (1990) Director, Counseling and Health Services

James, Jonathan F.  Coordinator, Residence (Housing)

Johnson, Malonda (2011) Associate Director, Human Resources

Johnson-Varney Suzanne (2009) Librarian, Technical Services

Karabinas, Nikki (2010) Assistant Director, Student Career Development

Keaton, Cindy (1999)  Executive Secretary, President’s Office

Keller, Tiffany (2008)  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Kerr, Kate (2014)  Interim Director, CIPA

Kilzer, Rebekah D.  Director, Library Services

Kline, Robert D. Administrator, Computer Operations & Infrastructure

Koenig, Linda (2006) Associate Director, Counseling and Psychological Services, Clinical Counselor

Kosan, Colleen (2011) Advisor, Academic

Kotcamp, Lloyd (Butch) (1990) Director, Facilities, Planning & Construction

Lamma, Brandon (2010) Associate Director, University Housing & Residence Life

Lansky, Beth  Representative, Human Resources

Leach, Karen L. Executive Secretary, Vice President Student Affairs

Lewis, Kevin A.  Police Officer, Department of Public Safety

Liberator, Chaylee (2007) Assistant Director, Admissions

Liles, Kristin (1989)  Secretary, Dean of Students  

Madden, Jaime (1995) Project Manager, University Information Services (UIS)

Madden, Paul (1992) Dean, College of Professional Studies

Malone, Justin (2014) Admissions Officer

Mathuews, Katy (2007) Librarian, Access Services

McCallister, Jeffrey (2005) Supervisor, Maintenance and Operations

McGraw, Judith E. (1990) Talent Management System Administration

McKenzie, DeAnn (2001) Supervisor, Accounting

McMillan, Justin (2014)  Coordinator, Multicultural Affairs & Student Life

Merb, Rick (1994) Interim Director, Admissions

Moore, Charlotte  Project Director, 21st Century Community Learning Center

Moore, Chris M. Officer, Admissions (Athletics)

Moore, Joyce (2003) Executive Secretary, President’s Office

Moore, Mark A. (1987) Registrar

Morris, Rita Rice (2003) President

Mullins, Cathy (1990) Academic Grants Officer & Assistant to the Provost

Neal, Nicole (2001) Director, Financial Aid

Noah, Phyllis (2007) Coordinator, Communications

Noel, Terry (2007) Programmer/Analyst

Otworth, Pamela J. Secretary, Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences

Patrick, Michelle (2003)  Coordinator, Disability Services

Patti, Joseph  Director, Vern Riffe Center for the Arts

Patton, Kimberly A. (1998) Analyst, Institutional Effectiveness

Peters, Jon (2012)  Police Sergeant, Department of Public Safety

Pierce, Emily (2010) Accountant, Payables

Pierce, Tena (2012)  Secretary, Dean of Students

Powell, Sherri (1989)  Coordinator, Institutional & Continuity Workflow

Priode, Jessica (2011)  Clinical Counselor

Putnam, Eric (2009) Assistant Director, Athletics/Equipment and Facilities

Ratcliff, Paula (Susie) (2007) Accountant, Grants

Reed, Jeremy (2010) Web Specialist

Rice, Beth (2009) Director, Children’s Learning Center (CLC)

Roberts, Deanna (2001) Academic Advisor

Rockwell, C. William (1997) Director, University Housing & University Center

Ross, Susie (2011)  Coordinator, Human Resources

Russell, Mark (2000)  Manager, Database & Applications

Schlosser, Leo A. (1995) Technology Director, Vern Riffe Center for the Arts

Scott, Sherry L. Secretary, Dean for University College

Settle, Anna L. Counselor (AOD)

Shaffer, Chris (2011) Director, Institutional Effectiveness

Simms, Marcie (2005) Dean of Students

Snyder, Jacob (2014) Coordinator, Sports Information and Game Management

Spicer, Mistie (2005) Assistant Director, Event and Conference Services

Stevenson, Debra L. Project Assistant, Student Support Services

Stewart, Janet (2001) Librarian, Systems

Tackett, Angel D.  Representative, Payroll

Temponeras, John (2008)  Project Manager, Construction

Thoroughman, David (2010) Director, Department of Public Safety

Todt, David (1978) Provost/Vice-President for Academic Affairs

Tom, Theodore (2009) Assistant Director Athletics, Compliance and Academics

Trusz, Robert J. (2000) Interim Vice-President, Student Affairs, Director, Admissions

VanDeusen, Joseph (2002) Assistant Director, Environmental Health and Safety/Facilities

Warner, Charles D. (2000) Director, University Information Services (UIS)

Watson, Deborah E. (1991) Coordinator, Academic Advising

Weaver, James (2005) Coordinator, Disability Services

Webb, Kathy (2007) Coordinator, Clinical & Field Experience

Weber, Debbie (1997) Director, Pre-professional Services

Welch, Aimee  Clerk, Development

White, Dan (1995) Manager, User Support, University Information Services (UIS)

White, Rebekah (2013) Coordinator, Annual Giving & Stewardship

Yarnell, Mark A. (1997) Network Systems Engineer

Yerardi, Brian (2009) Sergeant, Security Services

Zender, David C. Director, Human Resources


Al-Azm, Amr (2009) Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences 

Bailey, Catherine (2004) Associate Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies Diploma in Nursing

Barnhart, Michael R. (2002) Associate Professor, Music, Department of Fine, Digital and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Barnette, April (2012) Senior Instructor, Department of Health Sciences, Physical Therapy, College of Professional Studies

Bedick, Jon C. (2004) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Blau, Phil (2000) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Director, GEP

Burns, Eugene H., Jr. (1999) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Science, College of Arts and Sciences

Carlson, Kenneth W. (2004) Associate Professor, Middle Childhood Ed., Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Carpathios, Neil (2008) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Carpenter, Wenifred (2010) Instructor, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Chaffin, Daniel W. (2005) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Clevenger, Cheryl (2007) Assistant Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences,  College of Professional Studies

Cohen, Jeradi (2010) Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Conley, Rick (2007) Assistant Professor, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Conn, Barbara J. (1997) Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Cram, Matthew S. (1998) Associate Professor, Dept. of Fine, Digital, & Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Crummie, Karen S. (1993) Professor, Legal Assisting, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Darbro, Douglas G.(1995) Professor, Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Davis, Chuck (2009) Associate Professor, Graphic Design, Dept. of Fine, Digital and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Deal, D. Robert (1988) Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Denning, Leeann (1999) Associate Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Desario, David (2013) Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Devkota, Mitra (2014) Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Dortch, Howard (2010) Instructor, Department of Fine, Digital and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Doster, Steven J. (1989) Professor, Accounting, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Douthat, J. Scott (2001) Professor, Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Duncan, Barbara S. (1980) Professor, Dental Hygiene, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Dunne, Sean (2013) Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Dzik, Anthony J. (1988) Professor, Geography, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Feight, Andrew (2004) Associate Professor, American History, Department of Social Sciences College of Arts and Sciences

Finnen, Dan (2009) Associate Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Fleeman, Wendi L. (2004) Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Goetting, Melvin J. (1987) Assistant Prof., Business Info. Systems, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Graziani, Isabel (2003) Associate Professor, Art History, Dept. of Fine, Digital and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Hadjiyannis, Stylianos I. (1989) Professor, Political Science, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Hamilton, Timothy (2003) Associate Professor, Physics College of Arts and Sciences

Heckler-Todt, Glenna (2011)  Full-time instructor, Department of English and Humanities

Hermanson, Cynthia (2011)  Full-time instructor, Department of English and Humanities

Holbrook, Andrew (2008) Instructor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Holtman, Janet (2007) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Houser, Jean P. (1997) Professor, Computer Science, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Huang, Xiaodan (1993) Professor, Education, Department of Teacher Education College of Arts and Sciences

Hudson, James M. (2004) Associate Professor, Computer Eng., Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Hunt, Linda (2012) Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Huston, John (2007) Associate Professor, Department of Fine, Digital, and Performing Arts, College of Arts and Sciences

Inman, Kimberly (2013) Assistant Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences

Ison, Steven A. (1996) Associate Professor, Environmental Eng., Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Jackson, Theresa (2006) Assistant Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Johnson, Daniel (2011) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Jones, Derek (2012) Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Kacir, Christopher (2002) Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Kamer, Georgeann (2013) Instructor, Dental Hygiene, Department of Health Science, College of Professional Studies

Kehres, Edward C. (1996) Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Knutson, Debra (2003) Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Kosan, Julius Ted (1990) Associate Professor, Computer Eng., Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Larson, Erik (2014) Assistant Professor, Geology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Lattimer, Adair L. (2002) Associate Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Lawson, Shannon (2001) Associate Professor, English, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Leedom, Wm. Patric (1993) Associate Professor, Education, Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Li, Jinlu (1989) Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Linden, Ann (2006) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Liu, Kejing (2006) Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Lomashvili, Leila (2011) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Lucas, Barry (2013) Senior Instructor, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Massie, Gayle D. (1982) Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Maxwell-Rader, Rhoni L. (2002) Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

McCoy, Jerry M. (1997) Associate Professor, Health Management, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

McGlone, Jean (2009) Instructor, Med Lab, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

McPherson, James (2006) Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Meade, Christopher A. (2006) Associate Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Mendris, Robert (2004) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences College of Arts and Sciences

Meriwether, Nicholas K. (1996) Professor, Philosophy, Department of English and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences

Miller, Adam (2011) Senior Instructor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Miller, Larry M. (2001) Professor, Plastics, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Minter, Sarah (2012) Assistant Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences,College of Arts and Sciences

Mirabello, Mark L. (1987) Professor, History, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Myers, Dovel (2005) Assistant Professor, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Napper, Andrew (2002) Professor, Chemistry, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Napper, Jennifer (2012) Assistant Professor, Biology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Nichols, Preston (2005) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Nyawalo, Mich (2012) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Ochieng-Sande, Beverly (2013) Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Professional Studies

O’Connor, Christopher (1992) Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences College of Arts and Sciences

Pate, Lee Anne (2010) Instructor, Department of Health Sciences, Respiratory Therapy, College of Professional Studies

Pauley, Jennifer (2007) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Perry, Keenan (2004) Assistant Professor, Athletic Training, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Pinson, Virginia (2010) Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration/Health Care Administration, College of Professional Studies

Piontek, Thomas (2007) Associate Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Poirot, Clifford S., Jr. (1999) Professor, Economics, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Priode, Carl E. (1985) Associate Professor, Electromechanical, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Raber, Christine (1998) Professor, Occupational Therapy (MOT), Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Redoutey, John Instructor, EMT, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Reneau, James M. (2004) Associate Professor, Management Info Systems, Department of Business, College of Professional Studies

Richards, Brian (2013) Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Risner, Deborah (2009) Assistant Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Rose, Shawn (2013) Instructor, University College (Developmental Math)

Ross, Jerry (2012) Assistant Professor, Physics, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Rudmann, Darrell S. (2006) Associate Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Sands, Melody (2009) Senior Instructor, Communications, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Salinas, Pablo (2014) Visiting Faculty, Spanish, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Scott, Marc (2012) Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences

Selby, Maggie (2007) Assistant Professor, Nursing, Geriatric and Palliative Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Sherman, Crystal (2007) Senior Instructor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences.College of Professional Studies

Shifki, Sheena (2012) Full Time Instructor, Department of Health Sciences, Radiologic Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Shipley, Gay Lynn (2008) Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education College of Arts and Sciences

Shoemaker, Kurt A. (2005) Associate Professor, Geology, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Simmons, James (2007) Assistant Professor, Physics, Department of Natural Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Sissel, Melinda D. (1988) Senior Instructor Occupational Therapy Assistant, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Snedegar, Janet (2005) Assistant Professor, Nursing, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Sturgeon, Douglas (2010) Associate Professor, Department of Teacher Education, College of Arts and Sciences

Teeters, Brad (2012) Senior Instructor, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Todt, Patsy (2011) Full-Time Instructor, Department of English and Humanities, University College

Tran, Hoai (2009) Senior Instructor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Turner, Kelly (2013) Visiting Faculty, Nursing, Department of Nursing, College of Professional Studies

Vemsani, Lavanya (2006) Professor, Asian History, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Vestich, Eli T. (1997) Associate Professor, CADD, Department of Health Sciences, College of Professional Studies

Vick, Kyle (2006) Professor, Psychology, Department of Social Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Warfield, Kenneth W. (1983) Associate Professor, Electro-mechanical, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies

Warnock, Barbara (2006) Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy Program, College of Professional Studies

Waugh, Heather (2012) Full Time Instructor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Whitaker, John (2003) Professor, Mathematical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences

Witherell, Jason (2006) Associate Professor, Digital Simulation and Gaming Engineering, Department of Engineering Technologies, College of Professional Studies