Sep 27, 2024  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Please Note

The listing of a course in this catalog does not imply that the course will be offered in a particular semester, or that the course is offered on a regular basis. Please check the Shawnee State University Course Offerings or the Department for up-to-date information on what will be offered during a particular term.

In addition, it should be noted that some upper level courses are not included on these pages. Please contact your faculty advisor for further information.

Special Course/Laboratory Fee Structure

A standard special course/laboratory fee will be assessed to all courses with laboratory components and/or other special features within an academic department. They are as follows1:

  Fee Per Credit Hour
ADNR $20.00
ARTS (Tier 1) 7.00
ARTS (Tier 2) 15.00
ARTS (Tier 3) 25.00
BUSI 10.00
DTHY 25.00
EDUC 15.00
EMTP 20.00
ENGT 22.00
HUMA 3.00
MATH 5.00
MLTC 20.00
MOT (graduate) 70.00
NSCI 16.00
OTAT 20.00
PTAT 15.00
RDLT 20.00
RPTT 20.00
SSCI 10.00
SSPE (activity) 5.00
SSSM 15.00
1 Some courses are approved for nonstandard fees.

Explanation of Prerequisites

Most learning beyond basic skills is dependent upon mastery of some prior skill or subject content. As a result, many courses at the University require the satisfaction of prerequisites prior to course enrollment. Prerequisites may be met by successful completion of the prior courses listed or by placement, via testing, into the course.

The academic division/college may withdraw a student from a course for which prerequisites have not been satisfied.

Explanation of Abbreviations

These abbreviations are found throughout the course descriptions on the following pages.

Prereq. — Prerequisite
Coreq. — Corequisite
$ Indicates lab fees apply to this course, see the box on the left.
GEP Indicates General Education Program course (see the General Education Program Requirements by Content Category  for details)


  • ADNR 1114 - Introduction to Nursing

    Credits: 3
    The history and evolution of nursing with an introduction to the health care system and exploration of the roles of nurses and other health care professionals. Legal and ethical aspects of practice are presented with an emphasis on individual values clarification and philosophy. An overview of the associate degree nursing program’s organizational framework is offered as orientation. Prereq: Admission to ADN program. Coreq: ADNR 1183 3 lecture hours
  • ADNR 1183 - Fundamentals of Nursing

    Credits: 7
    Introduction to the use of the nursing process to enable the individual to maintain or regain the ability to meet human needs across the life span. Fundamental skills and related scientific principles of nursing are presented. A beginning study of alteration in culturally diverse human needs through the process of holistic caring. The student is introduced to the teaching/learning process and the role of the nurse as teacher. Laboratory practice provides the opportunity to develop beginning skills in both technical and communication concepts of nursing. Prereq:/coreq. BIOL 1130, and admission to ADN program. 4 lecture hours 9 lab hours $
  • ADNR 1194 - Nursing Care Adults/Children 1

    Credits: 7
    Focuses on alterations in the concepts of human needs for culturally diverse individuals across the life span in a variety of health care and community settings. Clinical practice opportunities include holistic caring, critical thinking/decision-making with application of technological innovations. Prereq: ADNR 1183, and BIOL 1130 for ADN students; and, BIOL1130 and admission to LPN-RN program for licensed LPNs. Coreq: BIOL 1131 4 lecture hours 9 lab hours $
  • ADNR 1197 - Transition to Reg Nursing

    Credits: 3
    Focuses on key concepts needed for successful transition from the role of practical nursing to professional registered nursing. Presents the nursing process with emphasis on client assessment, nursing diagnosis, care planning, critical thinking, and teaching/learning. Demonstrates identified nursing skills in a variety of clinical settings. Prereq: Active LPN/LVN license and Admission to ADN program. 2 lecture hours 3 lab hours $
  • ADNR 1254 - Nsg Care/Behavioral Hlth Client

    Credits: 3
    Applies the nursing process to culturally diverse clients/families at risk for mental health and behavioral aberrations. Communication and group processes are utilized for teaching/learning experiences in a multidisciplinary milieu. Critical thinking, holistic caring, and clinical decision making are employed in addressing alterations of functional health patterns with emphasis on health perception-health management, cognitive-perception, self perception/self concept, coping-stress tolerance, role-relationship, and value-belief. Clinicals include experiences within the community setting. Prereq: ADNR 1183, and PSYC 1101 Coreq: PSYC 1130 1.5 lecture hours 4.5 lab hours $
  • ADNR 2205 - Nursing Care Adults/Children 2

    Credits: 7
    Applies the nursing process to culturally diverse individuals and their families across the life span. Human needs and responses to progressively complex conditions are explored. Critical thinking and clinical decision making are emphasized within a variety of health care delivery systems. Prereq: ADNR 1194, and BIOL 3750 Coreq: CHEM 1121 and SOCI 1101 4 lecture hours 9 lab hours $
  • ADNR 2225 - Current Issues in Nursing

    Credits: 2
    Focuses on health care and practice issues significant for associate degree nurse graduates practicing nursing in today’s world. Ethical, legal, and political concerns as well as continuing education requirements are explored in this internet assisted course. Coreq: ADNR 2284 and ENGL 1105
  • ADNR 2253 - Nursing Care/Childbearing Family

    Credits: 3
    Applies the nursing process to the study of the childbearing cycle and the newborn. The concepts of human needs, communication, and the role of the nurse providing care to culturally diverse families in acute care and home health care settings are discussed. Nursing interventions and technology needed to provide family-centered nursing in low and high risk situations are introduced. Prereq: BIOL 3750 and ADNR 1183 Coreq: CHEM 1121, and PSYC 1130 and SOCI 1101 1.5 lecture hours 4.5 lab hours $
  • ADNR 2284 - Nursing Care Adults/Children 3

    Credits: 7
    Applies the nursing process to culturally diverse individuals and their families across the life span experiencing human needs alterations.  Human responses to life threatening critical conditions are explored to integrate previously identified alterations, as well as alterations in self-perception, self-concept, role relationship, and health perception-health management patterns.  It is a culmination of concepts and processes taught in the ADN curriculum.  Specifically, it is the application of legal and ethical decision making issues for groups of clients in the delivery of nursing care.  Critical thinking and clinical decision making are emphasized within a variety of health care delivery systems. Prereq: ADNR 2205 Coreq: ADNR 2225, and ENGL 1105, and 2000 level elective 4 lecture hours 9 lab hours $
  • ADNR 2999 - Topics in Nursing

    Credits: 1-3
    Individual or small-group study, under the supervision of an instructor, of topics not otherwise available to students. Prereq: Permission of instructor.
  • AHNR 1100 - Pre-Anatomy

    Credits: 3
    Students are prepared for anatomy by learning medical roots, muscles, bones, body planes, and medical abbreviations. This is a special course developed primarily for all health science programs. This is a special course developed primarily for all health science programs.
  • AHNR 1102 - Medical Terminology

    Credits: 2
    Introduction to medical terminology commonly used in health occupations. Emphasis is placed on prefixes, suffixes, and building and analyzing medical terms.
  • AHNR 1103 - Chemical Prin for Health Science

    Credits: 2
    Basic inorganic, organic, and biochemistry principles as applied to human physiology. Includes metric and SI systems of measurement. Specifically designed for students in health science programs. Prereq: Acceptance into one of the health science programs or permission of health science department chair.
  • AHNR 1104 - Physical Prin for Health Science

    Credits: 2
    An applied health sciences courses, designed specifically for PT assistant and athletic training students, dealing with a broad spectrum of physical systems, including energy, mechanics, and fluids along with conversions to the metric system. Utilizes problems in algebra-based functions. Prereq: MATH1010
  • AHNR 1135 - Health and Wellness

    Credits: 2
    Focuses on self-care strategies that encourage good health in individuals across the life span. The content encompasses a holistic approach that allows the individual to adopt and maintain positive lifestyle behaviors. Societal, environmental, cultural, and communication issues are also explored. 2 lecture hours
  • AHNR 2250 - Survery of Nursing Practice

    Credits: 3
    An exploration of the fundamental concepts of nursing practice and their historical background. Investigation includes the concepts of lifelong learning, community focus, dignity and worth of all life, critical thinking/reasoning and problem solving, cultural competence, and ethical comportment.  Students are provided with a variety of information, tools, and skills on which nursing practice is built.  An initial overview of methods to access professional literature and practice references is offered. Coreq: ENGL 1105 3 lecture hours $
  • AHNR 3500 - Dimensions in Women’s Health

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed to present major health issues of women cross culturally.  Emphasis will be placed on current trends in the prevention of chronic diseases and health disorders, the promotion of a positive body image, and self-empowerment.  In addition, this course concentrates on women’s status as undervalued customers of health care and on the medicalization of women’s health issues and concerns.  Elective for minor in women’s studies, the course may be presented in a traditional, on-line, or blended format. Elective for minor in women’s studies.
  • ANTH 1999 - Topics in Anthropology

    Credits: 1-3
    Individual or small-group study, under the supervision of instructor, of topics not otherwise available to students. Separate courses repeatable for credit.
  • ANTH 2120 - Ethnography

    Credits: 3
    This course provides an introduction to the practical aspects of undertaking ethnographic research.  Ethnographies are the research methods through which anthropologists interpret data.  This course reviews the major traditions in ethnographies with a focus on current issues.  An emphasis is placed on constructing detailed ethnographies of face to face interactions, and how these can serve as tools to discover what major social and cultural forces impact institutions and practices. 3 lecture hours $
  • ANTH 2210 - Introduction to Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    This course introduces the methods archaeologists use to study past human achievements and solve some of the world’s oldest mysteries including: dating objects and settlements; reconstructing sites and environments; establishing what people ate and how they lived; and interpreting customs and beliefs. 3 lecture hours $
  • ANTH 2250 - Prin of Cultural Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to the basic concepts, principles and problems of cultural anthropology as it fits into the four field approach to anthropology. Students will be introduced to anthropology as a holistic way of understanding culture and cultural change, with specific focus on the problems of small scale, non-Western societies and the impact of globalization on these societies. Prereq: ENGL 1105 GEP
  • ANTH 3110 - Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: 4
    Forensic anthropology is the science that applies reliable and tested methodologies to establish the identity of deceased persons.  Where the role of the pathologist is primarily to determine how somebody died, the forensic anthropologist seeks to determine who the deceased was.  Forensic anthropologists apply bio-anthropological methods to cases of forensic or legal importance and may be called as expert witnesses in court. Prereq: ENGL 1105 3 lecture hours 1 lab hours $
  • ANTH 3340 - MesoAmerica Before Columbus

    Credits: 3
    Survey of MesoAmerican settlement prior to the arrival of the Europeans, including origins of the first hunters and gatherers, development of agriculture, Olmec and Zapotec civiliations, rise and fall of Teotihuacan, influence of Mayans, Toltecs, and Aztecs up to the arrival of the Spanish.
  • ANTH 3350 - Biological Anthropology

    Credits: 4
    This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of Biological Anthropology.  Topics to be covered include evolution in general, primate and human evolution, and genetics of human populations. 3 lecture hours 1 lab hours $ GEP
  • ANTH 3360 - Indians of North America

    Credits: 3
    Description and analysis of traditional Native American cultural areas and impact of modern society on Native Americans. Prereq: ANTH 2250
  • ANTH 3999 - Special Topics in Anthropology

    Credits: 1-3
    Individual or small-group study, under the supervision of instructor, of topics not otherwise available to students. Separate courses repeatable for credit.
  • ANTH 4110 - Anthropology of Death & Mortuary Practice

    Credits: 3
    This course will focus on the archaeological analysis and interpretation of burial practices and other death-rituals.  By examining bodies from burials, archaeologists can learn about social organization, ritual practice, status and rank in life, gender, health and diet, even what the person ate for his or her last meal.  In addition to archaeological data, a strong emphasis will be placed on the information, drawn from cultural anthropology and ethnography regarding customs and traditions relating to mortuary practice which can be invaluable to archaeological interpretation. Prereq: ENGL 1105 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 1501 - Game Studio

    Credits: 3
    Students will learn the layout of a typical game studio. This class will introduce the student to the work flow inside the company during the process of game design and development. This class will make the student aware of all the jobs in the typical game studio and their relation to each other. 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 3530 - Game Design & Documentation 1

    Credits: 3
    Students will learn the basics of the game creation process. This class will concentrate on developing ideas for a game into a game concept. Students will learn the steps required to develop a concept document that may be used for other advanced classes or as a submission to game developers. Prereq: ARTG 1501 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 3540 - Graphical User Interface Des. 1

    Credits: 3
    Students will learn the basics of Graphical User Interface design and the scripting required to place the object on the game screens. Students are free to create any type of graphics they choose, the intent of the class is the mechanical creation, scripting and placement of GUI elements. Prereq: ARTG 1501 and ARTS 1105 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 3601 - Digital 3D Foundations Studio

    Credits: 3
    Course will introduce the students to the interface used in virtual 3D applications and development of virtual scenes and content. Prereq: For ETGG majors: ARTS 1105 and ETGG 2801 Coreq: For Art majors: ARTS 2211 and ARTS 3611 $
  • ARTG 3611 - Digital 3D Inorganic Studio 1

    Credits: 3
    Course will present the concepts and practical processes of developing inorganic structures and objects within a virtual three-dimensional environment. Prereq: ARTG 3601 $
  • ARTG 3612 - Digital 3D Organic Studio 1

    Credits: 3
    Course will present the concepts and practical processes of developing organic, humanoid models and animation within a virtual three-dimensional environment. Prereq: ARTG 3611 $
  • ARTG 3613 - Digital Dynamics/3D Properties 1

    Credits: 3
    Discussion of techniques for creating particle systems and dynamic systems for use in 3D content. Work with a combination of multiple attributes of the software that is often used in addition to the core 3D content. Material may include working with dynamic fields and particle properties–which may be man made, natural atmospheric, or pyrotechnic effects–and creation of these systems for use within and interacting with 3D content. Prereq: ARTG 3611 $
  • ARTG 4505 - Digital Scene Layout and Design

    Credits: 3
    Students will work with a producer to populate a game zone with objects. The objects will be points of interest, architectural and ambient objects. The purpose of this class is to teach the student how to layout and organize a game scene. Prereq: ARTG 3530 and ARTG 3611 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 4530 - Game Design & Documentation 2

    Credits: 3
    Students will learn an advanced game creation process. This class will concentrate on taking a game concept and develop the overall design and all the documentation required for a game production team. 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 4540 - Graphical User Interface Des. 2

    Credits: 3
    Students will learn how to assemble user interfaces for games. This course will take the student from basic GUI objects to get a user into a game to in game dynamic GUI elements. Students will design and build the elements for a running game. Prereq: ARTG 3530 3 lecture hours $
  • ARTG 4611 - Digital 3D Inorganic Studio 2

    Credits: 3
    Course will present the advanced concepts and practical processes of developing inorganic structures and objects within a virtual three-dimensional environment. Prereq: ARTG 3611 $
  • ARTG 4612 - Digital 3D Organic Studio 2

    Credits: 3
    Course will present the concepts and practical processes of developing organic, humanoid models and animation within a virtual three-dimensional environment. Prereq: ARTG 3612 $
  • ARTG 4613 - Digital Dynamics/3D Properties 2

    Credits: 3
    In-depth exploration into the field aspects of assigning dynamic physical properties to three-dimensional objects and their influences on other aspects of the scene. Prereq: ARTG 3613 $
  • ARTG 4621 - Animation Studio 1

    Credits: 3
    An in-depth exploration into the development of animation sequences and clips. Students will develop animation sequences from start to finish and develop their personal sense of style and storytelling. Prereq: ARTG 3611 $
  • ARTG 4622 - Animation Studio 2

    Credits: 3
    An in-depth exploration into the development of animation sequences and clips. Students will develop animation sequences from start to finish and develop their personal sense of style and storytelling. Prereq: ARTG 4621 $
  • ARTG 4631 - Scripting for 3D Animation

    Credits: 3
    A study of the methods for automating content with an animation sequence via mathematical expressions and scripting languages, which are integrated within the software package. Prereq: 12 hours from ARTG coursework. $
  • ARTG 4680 - Senior Studio 1

    Credits: 3
    Students will examine, in detail, a selected topic of the student’s specialty. A portfolio review and a formal proposal, approved by the instructor, are required. A major project reflecting a minimum of 90 hours of work must be completed. Prereq: Senior status. $
  • ARTG 4681 - Senior Studio 2

    Credits: 3
    Students will examine, in detail, a selected topic of the student’s specialty. A portfolio review and a formal proposal, approved by the instructor, are required. A major project reflecting a minimum of 90 hours of work and appropriate for gallery display must be completed. Prereq: ARTG 4680 $
  • ARTH 1101 - Introduction to Art

    Credits: 3
    The course is an introduction to the visual arts. It encompasses the world of western and non-western art. It deals with the principles of art, formal and contextual elements and the basic vocabulary necessary in order to articulate opinions about the arts. The course has a studio component that will allow the student hands on experience to encourage visual communication through the visual arts. $ GEP
  • ARTH 2211 - Art History Survey 1

    Credits: 3
    This class will trace the development of art and architecture that has influenced the cultures of modern Western Europe and America. Chronologically, a vast stretch of time is covered beginning with the Early Stone Age and extending to the Gothic Period in Western Europe. The course focuses on the seminal Mediterranean civilizations include Egypt, Greece, and Rome as well as Late Antique and Medieval Europe. Prereq: ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1102 $
  • ARTH 2212 - Art History Survey 2

    Credits: 3
    This course will provide a general survey of the history of art from early Renaissance Italy in the 14th century through the late 20th century and the Modern Era. Important, representative works of art from each artistic period will be examined in their historical context. Works of art will be analyzed both intrinsically for their unique formal qualities and extrinsically for theme and socio-historical context include referencing cultures and individuals responsible for their creation. Prereq: ENGL 1105 and ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3331 - History of Ceramics

    Credits: 3
    This course will trace the development of ceramic arts and its connection to the cultures and context that created them. Chronologically, a vast stretch of time is covered beginning with the Neolithic Era and extending to the Contemporary Era. It will cover the accomplishments of diverse cultures, including Middle Eastern, Pre-Columbian, East Asian, and European ceramic production. Prereq: ARTH 2212 $
  • ARTH 3332 - History of Photography

    Credits: 3
    This course introduces students to the history of photography from its beginnings in the 1830s to the recent practices of photographers and artists working with photographic technologies in the context of Post-modernity. The course will introduce students to the history of photography and criticism. It will explore statements by artists and photographers as well as the writings of critics and historians which reflect the evolving status of the photographic object with reference to technology and culture, including pop culture, avant-garde art, discourse and documentation. Prereq: ARTH 2212 $
  • ARTH 3333 - History of Graphic Design

    Credits: 3
    This course is a survey of graphic design and typography in Europe and the United States.  By taking into account the social context, we will explore the evolution of graphic design and the changing roles of graphic designers from the 1800’s to the present.  Readings emphasize stylistic developments, materials and commonalities with other design practices. Prereq: ARTH 2212 $
  • ARTH 3366 - Non-Western Arts Survey

    Credits: 3
    The course will develop and increase the understanding of Non-Western cultures while exposing students to the cultural and religious influences that served to shape the arts of the Far East. Within the frame of the importance of a liberal arts education, students will be exposed to non-Western values and belief systems, they are important tools that will allow one to observe and better understand Far Eastern art. Prereq: ENGL 1105 $ GEP
  • ARTH 3367 - Women in the Arts

    Credits: 3
    This course explores the work and accomplishments of women in the visual arts. Beginning with the medieval period to the present, it examines the work of women in the different contexts in which they were produced. The course will evaluate the relationship between academic training and opportunities available for women. Prereq: ENGL 1105 $
  • ARTH 3368 - History of Architecture

    Credits: 3
    This course traces the History of Architecture from the early developments in the Early Stone Age, through the 21st century.  The various styles and theories that shaped the history of Architecture will be explored through the examination of architectural landmarks within the specific cultural, social, political and economic contexts of their design and construction.  The primary focus of the course will be on Western Architecture and culture.  The architecture of the Middle East, East Asian, Americas and African will be explored. Prereq: ENGL 1105 or ARTH 2212 $
  • ARTH 3451 - Renaissance Art

    Credits: 3
    The course will examine the notion of cultural “rebirth” which embodies the Renaissance period. It will examine the role of patronage and the emergence of artistic personalities and business practices. Class lecture will be structured to emphasize the diverse influences that shaped the arts during the Italian Renaissance. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3453 - Baroque and Rococo Art

    Credits: 3
    The course will examine the artistic developments that took place during the Baroque period. It will examine the emergence of artistic trends, styles and ways of moralizing through the arts leading to innovative artistic productions. Class lectures will be organized using a regional approach in order to better understand the diverse influences that shaped the arts during the Baroque period. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 and ARTH 2212 $
  • ARTH 3454 - North American Art

    Credits: 3
    This course is a survey of American art from colonial times to the present. The student will analyze important artistic traditions and identify visual characteristics of artistic expression. The student will also analyze the social and political development that led to the development and evolution of art styles throughout history. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3455 - Nineteenth-Century Art

    Credits: 3
    This course is an introduction to the major themes in nineteenth-century European art, with an emphasis on French, and to a lesser degree, American art. Beginning with the art of the pre-Revolutionary period and ending with the Post-Impressionists, this course will include a discussion of the impact of the resolutions of 1789, 1830, and 1848, the Napoleonic presence abroad, the shift from history paintings to scenes of every day life, and changes in attitude toward sexuality. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3456 - Twentieth Century Art

    Credits: 3
    This course will examine the major movements and works of art from Impressionism to Postmodern and Contemporary Art. As it was a time of rapid change and innovation, of special interest is the role art played as it influenced contemporary aesthetics, advertising, television, and film production. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3457 - Contemporary Arts

    Credits: 3
    This course explores art production from the 1980s to the present. It examines the social, political implications in which the art evolves. The course will include discussions related to the impact of the institutions, issues related to identity politics and attitudes toward representation. Prereq: ARTH 1101 or ARTH 2211 $
  • ARTH 3999 - Special Topics in Art History

    Credits: 1-3
    A study of topics not otherwise available to students. $
  • ARTH 4511 - Travel/Study Art History Abroad

    Credits: 3
    This course will take students on an intensive field experience abroad.  Led by a faculty member, students will study art history from original works.  They will spend time exploring art, architecture and culture of a selected country.  In addition, students will have the opportunity to visit many sites of interest such as museums, galleries, and important architectural landmarks. Prereq: ENGL 1105 or ARTH 2212
  • ARTH 4512 - Travel/Study Art History Abroad

    Credits: 3
    This course will take students on an intensive field experience abroad.  Led by a faculty member, students will study art history from original works.  They will spend time exploring the art, architecture and culture of a selected country.  In addition, students will have the opportunity to visit many sites of interest such as museums, galleries, and important architectural landmarks. Prereq: ENGL 1105 OR ARTH 2212
  • ARTH 4999 - Special Topics in Art History

    Credits: 1-3
    This course provides the opportunity for intensive study of specific topics in art history.  The specific topic of interest is selected by the student who chooses to do an in-depth study of a topic or themes in the arts that is not offered as a regular course. Prereq: ARTH2212, ARTH3XXX and permission of the instructor $
  • ARTP 2801 - Art in the Curriculum

    Credits: 3
    Required of those who wish to become licensed teachers in Ohio in early childhood, early childhood intervention specialist, and intervention specialist–mild to moderate: K-12. The emphasis of the course is to teach the teacher to become a creative coach or a catalyst in the child’s artistic growth. Emphasis is on understanding, facilitating, and integrating art into the curriculum. Prereq: EDUC 1115 $
  • ARTP 4801 - Studio Methods Early Childhood

    Credits: 3
    Arts pedagogy course required for a multiage teaching license in visual arts. This course covers issues related to art as a subject matter, student learning, the diversity of learners in the visual arts, planning instruction, instructional strategies, learning environments, communication, assessment, professional development, and student support for students from pre-K through grade 3. Prereq: Admission to teacher licensure program. Coreq: ARTP 4802 and EDVA 4400 $
  • ARTP 4802 - St Mthd Mid Child/Adol/Yng Adult

    Credits: 3
    Course required for a multiage teaching license in visual arts. This course covers issues related to art as a subject matter, student learning, the diversity of learners in the visual arts, planning instruction, instructional strategies, learning environments, communication, assessment, professional development, and student support for students from grades 4-12. Coreq: ARTP 4801 and EDVA 4400 $
  • ARTS 1101 - Two-Dimensional Foundations

    Credits: 3
    The basics of visual organization, such as repitition, variation, rhythm, progression, and harmony, and the indentification and use of two-dimensional visual elements of line, shape, value, texture, and color are presented through discussion and classroom exercises. $
  • ARTS 1103 - Three-Dimensional Foundations

    Credits: 3
    This is an entry-level course that focuses on three-dimensional design. Emphasis will be placed on providing the student with an understanding of the various materials used in creating three-dimensional works. It is a course that will prepare the student to develop a personal sculptural vocabulary. $
  • ARTS 1104 - Creative Process

    Credits: 3
    Interdisciplinary studies of the nature of creativity and the techniques used to promote creative thinking. Class discussions, exercises and experiments, along with audio-visual resources and ongoing studio projects are employed to enhance students’ personal and professional resourcefulness. $
  • ARTS 1105 - Digital Foundations

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to the operating system, peripherals, and storage of graphic based work. Discussion of bitmapped and vector graphics and their strengths and weaknesses. A broad overview of some of the software and the parameters it defines for the artist. Production of original artworks. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 1999 - Special Topics in Art

    Credits: 3
    A study of topics not otherwise available to students.
  • ARTS 2211 - Drawing 1

    Credits: 3
    This course will develop an understanding of composition, artistic expression within two-dimensional design as manifested through dry media including pencil, charcoal, conte crayon, etc. Course will discuss rules of composition as they pertain to two-dimensional design and the expression of creativity through the aforementioned mediums. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2212 - Drawing 2

    Credits: 3
    Course develops an understanding of composition and artistic expression as it pertains to environmental and three-dimensional design. Students will explore rules of composition as they pertain to perceptual design and the expression of creativity through drawing media. Prereq: ARTS 2211 $
  • ARTS 2221 - Life Drawing 1

    Credits: 3
    This course involves a study of the human figure and its rendering using dry media. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to achieve an immediate implied line and structure from life study. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2222 - Life Drawing 2

    Credits: 3
    The course involves the study of the human figure and its rendering with dry media. Emphasis will be placed on the ability to quickly develop structural form and understanding of value. Prereq: ARTS 2221 $
  • ARTS 2311 - Painting 1

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to a variety of painting challenges promoting fluency with materials and techniques pertinent to acrylic and oil media. Prereq: ARTS 1101 or permission. $
  • ARTS 2312 - Painting 2

    Credits: 3
    Exploration of creative and technical options pertinent to aqueous and oil based media. Prereq: ARTS 2311 $
  • ARTS 2321 - Figure Painting 1

    Credits: 3
    Painting the human figure from life in aqueous and/or oil-based media. Prereq: ARTS 2312 $
  • ARTS 2322 - Figure Painting 2

    Credits: 3
    Painting the human figure from life in aqueous and/or oil-based media with particular attention to anatomical factors that shape our impressions. Prereq: ARTS 2321 $
  • ARTS 2411 - Ceramics 1

    Credits: 3
    Entry-level course focusing on the use of clay to create hand built pottery forms. Basics of pottery decorations and glaze application techniques are covered. $
  • ARTS 2412 - Ceramics 2

    Credits: 3
    Entry-level course focusing on the use of the potter’s wheel to create basic thrown forms. Prereq: ARTS 2411 $
  • ARTS 2441 - Sculpture 1

    Credits: 3
    This course explores three-dimensional media and materials. It is designed to develop the student’s ability to conceive and build three-dimensional forms in various media (plaster, clay, wood and metal). Prereq: ARTS 1103 $
  • ARTS 2442 - Sculpture 2

    Credits: 3
    This course is designed to further explore three-dimensional media and materials. It is designed to enhance students’ skills to conceive and build three-dimensional work employing advanced carving techniques, molding and various armature methods. Prereq: ARTS 2441 $
  • ARTS 2461 - Wood Design 1

    Credits: 3
    This course explores wood as a sculptural medium. It is designed to develop the student’s ability to work with woodworking tools in order to create three-dimensional works. Prereq: ARTS 1101 and ARTS 1103 $
  • ARTS 2511 - Photography 1

    Credits: 3
    This course will instruct the student in fundamental concepts and techniques of fine art photography, including aesthetics and technical aspects as a basis for creating a photographic image. The student will learn to use the camera, film processing, composition, print finishing, and basic darkroom printing. The student will be challenged to investigate photographic medium and consider its application to the making of art. Students are required to supply their own manual 35mm film camera with manual capabilities and a tripod. $
  • ARTS 2512 - Photography 2

    Credits: 3
    This course will refine techniques, analysis, and production of black and white photographs. The student will be exposed to more advanced refinement of the black and white techniques. Ideation, problem solving and intuitive exploration is integral to this course. Students are expected to complete this course with technical proficiency. Prereq: ARTS 2511 Prereq:/coreq. ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2522 - Photography 2 Studio

    Credits: 3
    Course introduces aesthetics, techniques, and theory of the subtractive color printing process using color negative materials. Lectures explore more sophisticated aesthetic and technical issues introduced in Intermediate Photography 1 with specific emphasis on issues related to color photography. Creative, fine art assignment solutions will be emphasized. Coreq: ARTS 2512 $
  • ARTS 2531 - Documentary Photography 1

    Credits: 3
    This course will focus on guiding students who are motivated to create an in-depth documentary project to refine their work. Classes will primarily be critique sessions, slide lectures, and group discussions. Special attention will be given to editing, sequencing and presentation. Students will examine the cultural and personal factors that influence perception and how they affect the representation of the subject. Prereq: ARTS 2522 $
  • ARTS 2613 - Typography

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to the principles of typography and layout using modern publishing software. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2711 - Illustration 1

    Credits: 3
    The course will involve the development of techniques and theories regarding illustration and developing artwork for a commercial focus. All projects will be developed using traditional techniques. Digital imaging is not permitted. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2712 - Illustration 2

    Credits: 3
    Course will involve the elaboration of theories and practices regarding illustration and developing artwork for a commercial medium. Projects may be developed using digital mediums, yet should only be to augment work developed by traditional means, unless otherwise noted. Prereq: ARTS 1102 and ARTS 2711 $
  • ARTS 2792 - Surface Design 1

    Credits: 3
    A study into the processes of printing and dyeing fabric as well as applying design to cloth. Prereq: ARTS 1101 $
  • ARTS 2793 - Surface Design 2

    Credits: 3
    A continuation into the studies of printing and dyeing fabric as well as applying design to cloth. Prereq: ARTS 2792 $
  • ARTS 2999 - Special Topics in Art

    Credits: 1-3
    Opportunity for the student to plan and complete a project which meets with the approval of the staff member supervising this arranged course. Repeatable for credit. Repeatable for credit. $
  • ARTS 3211 - Intermediate Drawing 1

    Credits: 3
    This course will develop an understanding of composition and artistic expression as it pertains to environmental and three-dimensional rendering. Students will explore rules of composition as they pertain to perceptual design and the expression of creativity through drawing mediums. Prereq: ARTS 2212 $
  • ARTS 3212 - Intermediate Drawing 2

    Credits: 3
    This course will develop an understanding of various composition and artistic expression as derived from works by established artistic masters. Students will explore rules of composition as they pertain to different artistic periods, stylistic development and works of individual artists. Prereq: ARTS 3211 $
  • ARTS 3221 - Intermediate Life Drawing 1

    Credits: 3
    This course involves the study of the human figure using a variety of drawing media. Study of historical sources will be used as resources for inspiration; an emphasis will be placed on contemporary expression and historical influences. Prereq: ARTS 2222 $
  • ARTS 3222 - Intermediate Life Drawing 2

    Credits: 3
    This course involves the study of the human figure and its rendering using various dry media. Emphasis will be placed on execution of structure from life study and perceptual examination of subject matter. Prereq: ARTS 3221 $
  • ARTS 3311 - Intermediate Painting 1

    Credits: 3
    Exploration of historical and contemporary painting imagery and techniques as resources for creative personal expression. Prereq: ARTS 2312 $

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